Chapter 12 - Fangs

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// <3 <3 <3 (Remember that it's still a blood moon.) 

// Edited because of small error. 

Chelsie's POV

I widened my eyes as I watched the both of them reveal their long fangs, causing me to take a few steps back, realising that I was in the living room and accidentally fell back down onto the sofa. "Are you alright?" Myra asked me, her eyes glowing in the darkness as she walked towards me, sitting on my lap. "I think so." I replied. She chuckled, then placed her lips against mine softly. "Sammie is being left out." I told her in-between the kiss, causing Myra to pull back and turned her head to Sammie, who was silently begging for a taste. 

"I'm overwhelmed, I don't know what to do." Sammie giggled at us, "Let's move upstairs to the bedroom. You'll feel a lot more comfortable in there." Myra purred, before she suddenly picked me up, bridal style. She then carried me upstairs to the bedroom, placing me down onto the bed gently. Sammie placed her hand on Myra's shoulder, letting her know that she wanted a turn. "She's all yours." she told her, stepping to the side. Sammie smiled, then she locked eyes with me.

"I love you, babe." she told me, but I already knew that. "I love you too." I told her back, before she climbed on top of me and leaned down to my neck, giving me some soft kisses which then turned into a bite. I arched my back, letting out a small moan as the pleasure came through almost instantly. Myra watched, her eyes becoming the darkest shade of purple I have seen yet, they were nearly black. A sign that she was more than a vampire and she was consuming Sammie. 

A few seconds later, she came forward and ran her cold fingers down my side. 

Then, she leaned down to my ear and whispered seductively;

"I'm going to make a wonderful vampire out of day."

Well, those words were now stuck in my head. Looks like I'm going to have to try and fight her compulsion. I had to somehow train my mind...

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