Chapter 22 - Darkness Within

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// Sorry for the hiatus on this book. Forgot to give it some love. 

Chelsie's POV

It had been a couple of days since the blood moon that changed my life, turning it into something brand new entirely. "Babe?" I heard Sammie, but my body didn't respond. I was in my own little world. But, her soft touch woke me up as she placed her hand against the side of my cheek. "You scared me for a few seconds there. I thought you were losing it again." she sighed with relief, then placed her lips against mine. I kissed her back, pulling away.

"What made you think that? I'm still myself, just a little bit bite-y." I told her with a small smirk. Sammie then moved away from me, getting to the edge of the bed, ready to take off. I chuckled at her fear, it was cute. "Come here, babe. I'm not going to bite you. I just want to infect you with my deep dark love..." I purred at her. "That sounds like death, babe. I...I'm going to get Myra..." she told me. Then, I got up from the bed and watched her move further away, out into the hallway. 

That was when I took the chance and pounced onto her, sinking my fangs into her neck. She began to moan from underneath me, until she began screaming. Not from pleasure either...

I then forced myself away from her, accidentally tearing her skin in the process. Her screams...her screams was going to haunt me for the rest of my immortal life. "Sammie?!" I heard Myra call up from the stairs, causing me to back up into the bedroom and used my foot to close the door as I was unable to stand from shock. 

What was happening to me? What the fuck did I do? Did I...

Sammie's screams then went silent, causing me to think the worst had happened. That was when Myra opened the door, confusion in her eyes as she studied me. "Sammie will be alright, but I think you and I need to have words about what just happened. Not now, later. I'm taking Sammie to the nearest hospital, which is suitable for vampires." she told me.

"Can I..."

"No. It hurts me to say this to you but you have become dangerous, Chelsie. There's a darkness within you and I need to cure that somehow." she cut me off. 

"So, lock me in here and throw away the key before I hurt someone else." I told her.

"We'll have this chat later, Chelsie." she said, before she closed the door on me and heard her pick Sammie up from the floor with a small groan. 

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