End of an Era

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Tamashiro Kazumi paced down the pathway, her neatly cut black hair swaying with every step she took. Her gray briefcase swung back and forth with every motion she made. The foul smell of sewage filled her nostrils, causing her to close her vibrant brown eyes and scrunch her face up in discomfort.

Out of every place her husband could have set up his base. Why did it have to be in the sewers? She always asked him, and every time the answer was the same. "No one will come down here" Sure, no one would go down there, but the smell was atrocious. Every time she came down there, she had to resist the urge to throw up.

Tamashiro put her fingers over her nose and closed it shut, blocking any odor from entering her nostrils. She continued walking through the sewer until she stopped right in front of a gray, unassuming door with a keypad on it. Peeking over her shoulder to make sure no one was following or watching her, she put in a combination and entered the door.

Not noticing a pair of blue eyes watching her from within the shadows.


Nakajima Kazumi ran his hand through his graying hair and squinted at the piece of paper he was reading. He patiently awaited his wife's arrival. He looked around the small makeshift office he'd made. A bunch of computers were in the corner, reading off energy scans. A table filled with files rested near the door. And in the center of it all, was a chair with a headpiece connected to the computers.

He took a sip of his tea when he heard the sound of high heels click from outside his office. He smiled and looked up to the door to see his wife enter the room. "Good evening, sweetie" He greeted. His smile dropped when he saw his wife's frustrated expression "Tammy? What's wrong?" He asked, using the nickname he gave her on their first date.

"I've collected the files" She said, holding up the briefcase and placing it on the desk. She held out her hand and a pair of circular glasses manifested in her hand "I've scanned everyone. And I could only find 784 possible transfers that are compatible with this world" She claimed

Nakajima smiled "Well, that's good, isn't it?" He asked. 784 was a lot of possible candidates. But the look on his wife's face told him that something was wrong "How many would survive the transfer?" He hesitantly asked.

Tamashiro sighed while opening her briefcase. She walked over and placed a folder down on his desk. She looked into her eyes, and he could see just from her gaze. It wasn't good. He opened up the folder and looked at a picture of a smiling green haired boy "Only one."

Nakajima placed his hand on his forehead and sighed "God dammit!" He cursed. "How powerful is he?" He asked his wife

"From the files I've been able to collect. He's incredibly powerful." Tamashiro said. She noticed her husband raise an eyebrow and added "He's not powerful enough to block your Sacred Gear, but he'll get butchered if we send him here." She explained "He isn't strong enough to face it"

Nakajima lowered his head and pounded his fist on his desk. If they were to succeed, they would need someone capable of stopping the evil plaguing their world. And he was the only one with a high chance-


That's it!

"Could I see the document?" Nakajima asked. Tamashiro handed it over and Nakajima opened it up and read over his powers. He quickly reached over and grabbed a pen before writing something in.

Tamashiro's eyes widened as she saw what her husband was doing "You can't do that 'Jima. That's only lowering the chances of him surviving and raising the chance of something going wrong!" She argued

"If we don't want this world to be destroyed, we need to take risks." Nakajima replied, placing the pen down on the table and standing up. He passed the note over to Tamashiro "What's the percentage of survival and successful transfer?" He asked

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