Hit the Snooze

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Izuku had barely spoken to Issei for a week now. He didn't know how to talk to the boy after their little argument, and Issei wasn't making any attempts to talk to him apart from the stock standard greetings.

He was sure Miki and Gorou were starting to notice the rift growing between the two, though Izuku actually didn't mind that. If Miki and Gorou kicked him out, he had nothing holding him back from joining his friends in the afterlife. But even if they didn't kick him out, the more Issei didn't like him, the less chance he would be in danger. And Izuku was fine with pushing away the boy if it meant guaranteeing his safety along with his parents.

Izuku would benefit either way.

Looking at the clock in his room, Izuku tried to get up from the chair, but only rose halfway before falling over onto the ground. Groaning, he slowly lifted his arm to try and rise to his feet, but found doing such a simple task was too hard for him. He frowned in confusion. His body wasn't obeying him at all. They weren't sore, and he didn't gain any injuries that impacted his body in his last fight.

Slowly, the answer came to Izuku as he realized what was wrong. His body, and his mind moving so slow, it all started making sense. He was running on fumes. Sooner rather than later, his body was going to stop and he would pass out.

Gritting his teeth, Izuku squeezed his eyes closed. He couldn't pass out. Not yet. Today was Friday. If he made it through this day, he would be fine. If he skipped school, questions would be raised. If he passed out, questions would be raised. He just needed to make it through today.

Of course he was still scared about passing out and the Devils attacking, but he knew that right now, there was nothing he could do. He wasn't capable of fighting. All he could do for now was hope to make it through the day.

"Just keep going!" Izuku groaned as he slowly lifted himself off the ground. Once he was upright, he opened the door before wobbling out of it and towards the stairs. Once he was there, he saw Issei standing by the door, ready to leave.

Issei heard someone behind him and sighed quietly. "You're leaving as well?" Issei said without much emotion when talking to Izuku. When getting no response, the brunette turned his head and looked up the stairs.

Issei stared at Izuku as the boy slowly made his way down the stairs, clutching the handrail as tightly as he could so he wouldn't fall down the stairs if his legs gave out. "Dude, are you okay?" He asked.

Izuku couldn't even muster the energy to raise his head and look at Issei. He was too focused on not tumbling to the ground. He eventually made it to the bottom before slowly nodding his head. "Fine," He muttered before stumbling out the door as Issei watched him, concerned.


Izuku's eyes flickered as he struggled to pay attention in class. Every second was harder than the last, and he could feel himself start to fade away. Everytime he felt that, he forced himself to snap back into reality. It was easy at first, but now it was close to impossible.

'Just stay awake, Izuku,' He thought to himself as his eyes began to close. He tried to force them open, but couldn't. His vision turned black as he closed his eyes, but he wasn't going to fall asleep. Not here. 'Wake up, dammit!'

Izuku was finally able to force his eyes open, but his body froze when he found himself somewhere completely different.

He was sitting alone in his classroom back at UA. Every other seat was empty. He was all alone. He tried to move, but found his body was paralyzed. The only thing he could move was his head. He struggled in his spot, trying to move, but to no avail.


Izuku whipped his head, trying to find the source of the croaky voice. Looking over his shoulder behind him, he found nothing there. His breathing began to quicken as panic began to set in.

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