Friend or Foe

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The forest was quiet. The only sound that could be heard were the wind blowing against the leaves, making them rustle together.

Rias moved through the woods, keeping an eye out for the green haired boy. The girls called him 'Midoriya', so she assumed that was his last name. The Japanese always called people by their last names, and it took her a long time to get used to it.

As she tried to find the boy, she caught a glimpse of dark green hair that she almost mistook for a bush. Stopping, she turned and found him curled up in a fetus position. Hugging his legs and resting his head on his knees. She slowly walked over to him. "Midoriya?"

"Please leave" He hoarsely whispered to her. He sounded tired and confused.

"I saw what you did back there. I just wanted to thank you for helping those girls" She said, walking closer and closer to him until she was right next to him. She slowly sat down and waited for the boy to stop her, but he didn't say anything "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" He replied "I just want to rest," He whispered softly. Something about what Izuku just said rubbed Rias the wrong way. It was concerning. She reached out to touch him, but he flinched away, making her pull her hand back. "Don't." He said, but it sounded a warning.

Rias sat next to Izuku in silence. Realizing now was a good time, she focused on the Demonic Magic running through her body and focused it to sense his Sacred Gear. Closing her eyes, she waited until she could feel her magic grasp onto it. Once she felt it, she opened her eyes and found herself staring off into an empty void.

Just like Sona said.

"I would like to speak to the soul inhabiting this Sacred Gear" Rias requested. She made sure to stay calm and collected. When Sona went into this void, she said that she began to panic immediately at the new environment. If Rias was going to gain information, she needed to remain calm. To her surprise, she didn't feel any of the symptoms her friend had mentioned.

"Why are you here, Devil?" A voice spoke out to her.

"I want to know what Sacred Gear you are," Rias responded.

"I am not a Sacred Gear. I am a soul resting inside a Sacred Gear." The voice dodged her question.

"Then who are you?" Rias asked, starting to get impatient.

"Who I am does not matter. What matters to me is keeping my partner safe."

"Why won't you answer my questions?!" Rias yelled. Her eyes widened at her outburst. That was when she noticed her stress levels rising. Every second she could feel herself getting more and more stressed. Was this the Sacred Gear's power? Or since she was inside the boy's mind, was she feeling what he felt?

"You're a smart girl, but I'm warning you now to drop it. Now leave."

Rias' eyes slowly opened before shutting immediately due to the sunlight shining through the trees. Once she was used to the light, a smile rose on her face. She got some information that could be used. Due to the overwhelming power, the Sacred Gear had to be powerful. It wasn't anything that she could use against Izuku, but it was a start to see if he was in fact the vigilante or not.

However, Rias' smile soon faded when she saw Izuku scrunch up his face. She watched as a drop of blood rolled down his nose and dripped from his chin onto his blazer. Not even a second after the drop fell, more and more blood began to stream out of his nose. He tried to wipe it away, but the stream of blood just kept on coming and splattering onto his blazer. He tried to breathe, but she heard the sound of him gagging before he leaned forward as blood rushed out of his mouth.

"Midoriya!" Rias gasped. She immediately started to check her pockets for any tissues or anything that could absorb the blood, but she found nothing. She could heal him with her magic, but she wasn't going to strip them both naked for that to work. Not to mention he didn't know she was a Devil. So all she could do was watch as the boy bled profusely.

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