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"I want to talk to him," Toshinori announced, looking at the rest of the vestiges.

He still hadn't gotten used to the fact that he was now a spirit inside of One for All. It was weird. Especially when he closed his eyes for the final time, only to open them up and see his mentor again in this weird, dark place. He'd even gotten his own seat. In this realm, he couldn't see what the world outside looked like, but when he manifested as a spirit he was able to see everything around him. But since Izuku was trying to block them off, he had to rely on the next best thing.

Nana had explained that the users were synced up to Izuku. Toshinori could see what she meant soon after. While he couldn't hear and see what was happening to Izuku, he could feel it.

A dull ache filled the boy's heart. One that only grew as time passed. There was no anger in the world around him, no happiness. There was only sadness and self-loathing. It was painful. To see the boy who he had trained and supported, the boy who always tried to look on the bright side of things, lose all hope.

He needed to talk to his successor. Tell him it wasn't his fault. Tell him that everything was going to be okay. Sadly, the boy was brushing them off and making them disappear when they tried to talk to him.

"Not gonna happen" The Bruce stated.

"Huh?! Why not?" Banjo questioned angrily.

"He's rejecting us from communicating with him. He can brush all of us away in a heartbeat" Bruce pointed out "What makes you think we can talk to him?"

"We could attempt to constantly appear in front of him?" Hikage suggested, although it sounded more like a question rather than a suggestion.

"Bad idea, we'd just be adding onto his stress." En looked at the man before looking at the rest of them "He's in a spiral. Like he was when he left UA. Without his friends to help him out, he'll continue to push us away. So all we can do is wait," En said.

"He already tried committing suicide!" Nana yelled at them all "We were barely able to stop him. And we all know he's still thinking about it. We've been lucky that he's decided to not go through with it, but how much longer will that last?" She interrogated the others.

"Then we stop him again" The Second User, Kudo, answered calmly, not bothered by the woman's yelling.

"I can't believe you!" Nana huffed. She collapsed onto her throne and put both her hands over her face, trying to think of another way for her or Toshinori to speak with Izuku.

Yoichi let out a sad sigh and shook his head, slightly disappointed at some of the users. "It's best we don't take over Izuku's body as much. If we do, he'll slowly lose trust in us. Not to mention the more we do it, the higher chance he figures out how to wrestle back control." He told them all.

Toshinori looked around the realm. Tension was starting to rise. People had different ideas on how to deal with Izuku, and it was frustrating him to no end. Izuku was his student. He knew the boy the best, but he couldn't talk with him without them knowing.

He just hoped that something would change and the others would agree that talking to Izuku was for the best, but until then, all Toshinori could do was wait.


The night was busy, but that was to be expected. January 1st, or New Year's Day. The streets were bustling. People walking down the streets with their friends or alone, blissfully unaware of the figure watching them from the roofs.

Izuku looked down at them all from his spot on the highest roof in Kuoh. Danger Sense was activating all over the town. Hopefully he could save people without being seen, but he had a plan for if he was seen.

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