Memory of the Lost

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Miki sat at the kitchen table and looked over to Izuku, who was staring down at the table quietly. She knew that today was the day he would leave, and if she was being honest, she felt really bad. She didn't want to kick him out of the house, especially after he cleaned the rest of the house. He'd even found the ring her mother gave her. She remembered going into hysterics when she lost it. So when the boy found it, it definitely raised her opinion of him. Her trust also increased when she noted that not a single lost item was missing from the pile. And she'd lost some expensive jewelry, so she doubted he stole anything.

But her husband probably didn't feel the same way. Or her son. Both of them didn't really know Izuku, and neither did she. Issei had only brought Izuku to their home out of guilt, and now that he knew the boy was okay, the guilt might've passed. Her husband was incredibly polite to the boy, but she doubted he would let him stay with them.

She watched from the corner of her eye her husband give Izuku a smile when he looked up. He blinked and then looked back down to the table, which confused her greatly. 'Maybe he's just shy' She thought. It would make sense. Why he didn't talk much and avoided eye contact with other people.

A yawn interrupted her thoughts as Issei stumbled into the kitchen. "Morning" He greeted everyone. He made his way over to the counter and poured himself a small bowl of Miso soup. He turned his head around to look at his parents. When they weren't looking, he quickly pocketed something nearby before grabbing his Miso soup and taking a seat beside Izuku, his parents sitting down opposite him. "So how was your sleep, Issei?" His mother asked him.

"Pretty good. I didn't have a nightmare." Issei replied, taking a sip of his soup and rubbing the sleep out of his eye. He speculated that since he knew Izuku was alive, his nightmares of accidentally killing the boy had faded away. "What about you guys?"

Miki and Gorou both said their sleep was good and Izuku shrugged. He didn't sleep at all, but they didn't need to know that.

"So, Issei." His father garnered his attention "How about you show Midoriya around Kuoh today?"

Issei looked at his father then towards Izuku, who was still staring down at the table despite his name being said. He'd gone out yesterday, but it wouldn't hurt him to head out again. Maybe he could visit his favorite bookshop. Not to mention it was the least he could do for the boy after what happened a week ago. He nodded his head and began chugging his miso soup.

Miki turned to look at her husband, unsure of what he was talking about, but he just leaned over to her "I want to talk to you about something without Issei here" He whispered to her.

Miki looked hesitant and a little scared. If her husband didn't want Issei there, then it must be serious. She nodded to her husband. "Make sure to stay on the streets where people can see you," She instructed her son.

The bowl clinked down on the table as Issei finished chugging the soup "I know the rules, mom." He said before turning to Izuku, who was still staring at the table, lost in thought "Come on Midoriya, I'll show you around Kuoh." Issei said, getting up and heading to the door. Izuku looked up and slowly got out of his chair to follow the brown haired boy.

Once the two teenagers were gone, Miki turned back to her husband "So what did you want to tell me?"


Izuku followed Issei as the boy led them down the road. He noticed that Issei was taking them on a very specific path. They continued for a short while before the boy in front of him stopped. "Hang on. Before we go I just need to quickly do something" He said

Issei let out a whistle. Not even two seconds later a Shiba Inu ran around the corner and started bouncing from side to side, looking up at the brown haired boy. Its tail raised slightly as it swished around.

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