Chapter one: Feelings

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Jay pov

I wake up to the smell of beer from the party last night that my brother threw. I go down stairs and I see my brother passed out on the couch "get up and help me clean this house" I say pushing him "fine" he says getting up. I go to the kitchen and I see another boy making out with a girl "get a room!" I say loudly making them pull apart from each other "if you are not going to help clean this mess then leave" I say they both leave "need any help?" a voice says "yeah" i say turning around to see its my brothers bestfriend Mark. I hand him a trash bag "hey I did not see you in the party last night" Mark says "oh yeah I dont drink" I said picking up a beer can. "Hey jay you need to be alive more your 17" my brother says walking into the room "whatever im going to be in my room" I said walking upstairs to my room I lay on my bed and I watch netflix. I hear a knock on my door "come in!" I said "what are you doing?" Mark asked "watching Shameless" I said with a soft smile "may I join?" Mark asked with a smile "sure" I said making room for him on the bed "what season are you on?" Mark asked "im on season 2 episode 5, I already watched this show many times its just one of my favorite shows" I said turning my head to him "oh cool" he said with a smile.

Mark pov
Me and jay are watching shameless and we are have small conversation here and there "he is so cute when he is rambling about stuff wait did I just think he was cute? Im sure it was nothing" I thought to myself. "mark you there?" Jay asked waving his hand in front of my face "yeah sorry I spaced out there for a bit" I said looking at him now "its okay I just wanted to see of you can hand me my phone charger" he said pointing at it "oh yeah sure" I said handing him his charger his hand grabbed mine "its so soft and small" I thought to myself. "Thanks" he said with a smile, his smile was so cute do "I have feelings for him no I can't he is my bestfriends little brother its just a phase I will get over it and besides its probably just the all the alcohol talking from the night before" I thought to myself. "Hey brother I made lunch" Alex said openning the door he looks at me "oh i did not know you where still here mark" Alex said "yeah I have to go home now though my dad texted me to get home" I said "okay bye" they both said I leave Alex and Jay's house and I start to walk home I dont live far just down the road. "Im home!!" I shout my dad comes from the kitchen " I got a call from your school today and they said that you have been in fights!!" he shouts at me "yeah but its not my fault!" I shout back "dont raise your voice at my boy go to your room!" he yells I run to my room and I shut the door and lay on my bed and I put on my headphones and I listen to music.

jay pov
"Hey alex want to play videogames with me?" I ask walking into his room "oh your not home thats cool" I say I walk to the kicthen and I see a note "Hey jay im going out tonight wont be home till tomorrow night so dont wait up for me" I will just go see what mark is doing I grab my skate board and I ride to his house but before I get to knock on his door it opens I stubble back and I miss the step and I almost fall but someone grabs my wrist "be careful jay" Mark said "sorry" I mumbled "its fine what are you doing here anyways?" he askes "I got nothing to do and im board so I came too see what you are up too and if you want to hang out" I say letting out a breath that I did not know I was holding in. "sure I was just going to go to the park" he says. We start to walk  and mark pulls out  a pack of cigarettes he lights one "you want it?" he askes "sure give it here" I say "I did not know you smoke jay" he says surpised "there is a lot you dont know about me" I say looking at him with a smirk "oh yeah like what?" he askes with a smirk "that i have gotten in a fight last month and told no one well till now" I said looking at him "wait is that why that one day you came home after your walk you had a black eye?" he asks "yeah I did not want to tell you guys because I did not want you guys to get worried like you guys do" I say looking down "yeah get that" he says "hey freak!!" a voice yells at us I turn around "shit" I mumble I guess a little loud so mark heard "what do you want william?" I ask "oh you know payback for what you did to me" he says before I got to say anything he punches me over and over again I fall to the ground and it goes black.

Mark pov
When I see jay fall to the ground I start to punch the kid "get the fuck out of here now!" I yell his nose is all bloody he runs away I kneel down to jay "jay wake up your brother will kill me if you die" I say he sits up and coughs "I-m f-i-n-e" he studers "no your not lets go to the gas staiton is just right up the road I will clean you up" I say helping him up "thanks" he says "no problem" I say "sorry" he mumbles "its okay where here" I say we go to the aid section and I buy him the stuff and we sit on the curb "here this will help" I say wipping his head with the cloth and putting a bandaid on his nose I put my hand on his wrist. "Ow l-et go" he says "oh jay" I say he looks down "im sorry" his voice breaks "can I see how bad you did it?" I ask he rolls up his sleeve and I see bloody cuts I wrap a bandaid on them. He turns his head away from me and he cries "jay why?" I ask pushing his face so he is looking at me " Its because no one cares about a freak like me" he says with a shakey voice here goes nothing I thought to myself "I care about you jay" I say wipping his tears from his cheeks "and so does alex" I say "want to see something?" I ask him he nods yes I pull up my shirt and my pant legs "what happened?" he askes "my mom did that when she was living with me and my dad" I say pointing to the ones on my ribs "what about those?" he askes rubing my legs "I did those but this one was an attempt" I said showing my neck "I thought the same thing you did but alex and my dad and you made me think different so I stopped" I said "Me?" he askes confused "yeah you I could not imagen you sad so I stopped its because...." I say going quit im I really going to tell him my feelings now? I ask myself "because why?" he askes "its because I have feelings for you jay since six weeks ago but it became stronger two days ago" I say looking away from him.

jay pov
He likes me? I ask myself im important to someone? my mind is racing but I see mark turned his head away " I like you too" I say he turns his head back "you do?" he askes "yeah" I say with a smile "lets go home its getting late" I say "yeah you can stay at my house since its closer" he says "okay" I say yawning "you tired?" he askes "mhm" I say back "get on" he says I get on his back and I fall asleep. When I wake up I try to move but im stuck I feel arms around me I relize its mark "mark?" I guess he is asleep I say to myself so I just go back to bed.

HI this is the author how do you guys like it so far?
word count:1476

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