chapter 8: new ones

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Alexs pov
"Hey zack dont fuck it up with them they seem powerful" I said "yeah no shit" zack said "yeah what made you think they were powerful oh maybe its the fact that there was the whole fucking army and cops lineing the road!" mitch said "come on guys stop being mean to alex" jay said "yeah you know how he is" mark said "why im I always getting bullied" I asked "because you say dumb shit" they all said "fair" I said "who wants another beer?" zack askes "oo I do" I said "I will take one" mitch said "yeah" mark said "what about you jay?" zack askes "im good" jay says "im coming with you" mark says to zack and they leave the room. "Oh come on you never drink with us" mitch says "I dont want to" jay says "come on mitch leave him alone" I said "what you cant handle it?" mitch askes "I can" jay says "then drink it" mitch says "knock it off mitch" I said "what are you going to do?" mitch askes "thats what I thought" mitch said "now drink bitch" mitch says grabbing jays wrists and holding him down jay looks at me and I see the fear in his eyes "stop" jay says "no your going to drink" mitch says grabbing jays face "stop please!" jay says mitch holds him harder jay tries to get away from him jay looks at me the fear has grown much more "let him go he said stop!" I shout "or what?" mitch askes I punch mitch in the face "ow what the fuck!" mitch shouts "I told you he said stop!" I shout back punching him again "alex stop!" jay shouts but I keep punching him jay tries to pull me off but I push im off jay runs out of the room. "A-l-e-x i-m s-o-r-r-y p-l-e-a-s-e s-t-o-p" mitch studders "how do you like it!" I said "alex stop!" I hear mark shout but I still punching mitch till he passes out I get off of mitch and I spit out some blood from when mitch punched me "what the fuck!" zack says "dont worry his not dead just passed out" I said walking to the bathroom to wash the blood off of me "why did you make him pass out for?" mark askes "he was protecting me" jay says "why?" mark and zack askes "because mitch held me down and tried to make me drink and I told him to stop multiple times" jay says "thats why he did it" jay says. "I think he learned a lesson and wont do it again" I said walking out of the bathroom to the living room and sitting on the couch "im going to go help zack" jay says leaving to the bedroom "you really messed him up" mark says "yeah I know" I said "no one messes with jay" I said "it would have been worse if it was both of us in that room" he says "yeah" I said with a chuckle "but why does jay not like to drink?" he askes "he will tell you when he is ready" I said "okay" mitch said we heard a knock on the frount door "I will get it!" I shout opening the door "oh uh hello what can I help you with?" I ask "just seeing the neighbors" a woman said "oh I dont live here my friend does" I said "yoo zack!" I shout he comes out of the bedroom "whats up?" zack askes "hi im your new neighbor" the woman said "hi im zack" zack says he hits my arm "oh yeah im alex and this is mark" I said grabbing marks arm pulling in the door way "hi" he said "nice to meet you all" the woman said "my name is yen" yen said "nice to meet you" we all said jay comes out of the bedroom "oh hi im jay" jay said "hi im yen" she said we let her in the house "make yourself comfortable" zack says "oh yeah thats what I was going to tell you" jay said "well spit it out boy" zack said "he is still bleeding alot more and its getting on your floor" jay said zack looks over at me "your welcome" I said with a smile mark lets out a laugh.


Marks pov
"thanks a lot alex" zack says following jay to the bedroom "uh who is bleeding a lot?" yen askes "oh yeah we forgot you was here" alex said looking at me "uh its one of our friends his name is mitch" I said "can I go see him?" she askes "sure" I said getting up heading to the bedroom "oh my god what happened?" she askes "oh yeah alex beated the shit out of him from trying to force me to drink" jay said "he is a little over protective" jay said " a little?" I said "no a lot" jay said "oh okay" she said she takes a closer look at mitch "oh he will be okay he just as a broken nose" yen said "okay" we all said jay leaves the room and I follow him to the living room he lays on the couch and I sit next to him "come here" jay said holding his hands out I go and lay next to him I kiss him and I put my head on his chest "whats wrong?" he askes but I stay quite "whats wrong with him?" alex says "I dont know" jay said "did you take your meds today?" he askes me "no" I mumble "okay lets go home then so you can take your meds" jay said "we will be back we got to go home so mark can take his meds" jay tells them "okay" they all said we leave the house I grab him and I kiss him he smiled "come on lets go love" he said getting on his board I grab mine and I take off too. We get to the house "is it just me or does that lady feel off?" he askes "yeah no I feel it to" I said heading upstairs I go to our room and I grab my meds and I dry sollow them "you know you can die that way" he said "oh I know" I said he looks down at the floor "whats wrong?" I ask "nothing" he said "do you want this?" I ask comeing closer and pulling his chin up to me I kiss him passonly "mhm" he says into the kiss I slip my toung into his mouth letting it explor the place he tugs at my shirt and he then slips it off I slip his off too i move down to his neck and I began to suck on it "mhm mark~" he moans I go down to his niples and I lick them "ah mark~" he maons even louder I start kissing his chest and I go down to his pants line I tug on them I start to undo them and he undos mine I flip him over "you ready?" I ask him "yeah" he says out of breath I grab the lube and I put it on my cock and on his hole I go in slow "ah~" he moans I start to pick up the pace "ah mark~" he maons even louder I go even faster than before "im com-" he tries to say but I already know "me too just wait a little longer" I said I go faster and faster "mark please I cant anymore" he says out of breath "okay you can" I said he comes then I come too I pull out slowly and I lay next to him "we have not done that in a while" I said "we havent" he said with a smile "lets take a shower" I said getting up and heading towards the bathroom "I forgot we where suposed to be back by now" he said "oh yeah I will text alex saying that you felt tired so we wont be back" I said "okay" he said. After our shower I start to text alex

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