Chapter 4: family issues

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Jays pov
I wake up to a phone rinning I see thats its marks phone "ugh mark wake up your phone is going off like crazy" I said "mhm hello?" he askes with a deep morning voice. "get home now maddy is about to be here!" the voice on the other end of the phone says "alright im coming" mark says "hey I have to go now" he says "okay just call me please" I said he kisses me "I love you I will see you tonight so leave your door unlocked I will come around 11:00pm" he says "okay I love you too" I said giving him a kiss and he leaves the house. I hear a knock on my door "come in!" I shout the doors openes "hey get ready for school" alex says "okay be down in a sec" I said I get ready for school and I go to alexs car "so mark already left" alex askes "yeah hey left a couple of minuets before you came into my room" I said "im guessing he wont be at school today" he says "nope he is not" I said with a sad look "holy shit is that william?" I ask pointing at him "oh my god you are right" he says "we hurt him that bad" I said "I guess so" he says we get out of the car and we are greated by zack and mitch "you guys see william?" they ask "yeah we did" we both said "damn oh well he wont touch you again" mitch says "yeah" I says with a laugh and we head into school.

marks pov
I get home and I see maddy "hey mark" she says with a smile "hi" I say heading to my room. "Ugh I hate it here already" I said to myself "hey mark can I come in" she askes already coming in "whatever" I said "hey you better be nice before I tell dad" she says "do it I dont care" I said "fine I will tell him now" she says "no you cant he ain't home yet" I said "how did you know if you just got home?" she askes "well if he was home he would have yelled and hit me for being late" I said "oh your right" she said "now just leave me alone and let me sleep" I said laying down on my bed and falling asleep for a while. "mark get up right now and do your chores!!!!!" I hear my dad yell "okay im coming!" I shout back I run to the kitchen and I do the dishes "oh look who is the maid" maddy says laying against the kitchen wall "oh shut up" I said walking out to take the trash out she pushes me "what the fuck!" I shout "dad come here!" maddy shouts "what is it maddy?" he askes he sees the trash on the floor "what the fuck mark your going to clean this up and if you dont you know what will happen" he threatens me "yeah I know" I say rolling my eyes "dont talk like that to me boy!" he shouts "like what its just my voice?" I ask he hits me "want me to hit you again?" he askes "no sorry sir" I said looking down "good now clean this up" he says leaving to his room. "Yeah clean it maid" maddy laughs I clean everything up I go outside and I try not to cry I go back inside and I do the rest of my chores. I check the time its only 2:00pm I let out a sigh I want to see jay so fucking bad "mark!!!" my dad shouts "yeah?" I ask coming out of my room. "Go show maddy around town" he says "okay" I said walking outside "so where is alex?" maddy askes "at school" I said not even looking at her I grab my skateboard that I hide by my window "try to keep up" I say taking off I lite a cigrette "you smoke?" she askes "yeah and why should you care?" I ask "because its bad for you" she says "stop acting like you care about me!" I shout stopping my board. "I do I really do!" she souts back "bullshit!" I said "every fucking time you vist you always try and make me in pain!" I shout pushing her "what the fuck no I dont!" she shouts "yes you do you just did it when I was taking out the trash you pushed me and the trash fell you called dad and he fucking hit me!!!!" I shout punching her "ow what the fuck!" she says "if you dont stop I will tell dad!" she yells "see you just fucking did it there you ust said you will tell dad!" I shout pointing at her "whatever lets go to the park I need to meet up with someone" she says walking away.

jays pov
"Bro this day has been so boring" I said "why is it because your boyfriend is not here?" alex says "maybe im just worried about him" I said with a worried look. "Yeah me too but he will see you tonight right?" he askes "yeah how did you know about that?" I ask "I heard you guys talking this morning when I walked by your door" he says "stocker much" I said "yeah yeah" he said wiht a chuckle. "Can we leave school now?" I ask "damn you really want to see him dont you?" he askes "yep" I said "fine lets go" he said "yay" I said with a smile "your such a dork" he says with a chuckle "I get it from you" I said pulling out  my phone and texting mark

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