chapter 13:adoption

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Jays pov:

I wake up to someone shaking me lightly "darling wake up" mark says I open my eyes slowly "mhm" I said sitting up "want to come with us to beat up william?" he askes I look at him with fear in my eyes "he will kill me if you guys do that" I said "no he wont we wont let that happen" he said "okay" I said "come on zack is about to be here in three minutes" he said "alright let me get ready" I said getting up and going to the bathroom. After I get ready I head downstairs and I go to mark I lay my head in his lap he starts playing with my hair "so jay you ready to tell us what he did to you?" alex askes "he started bulling me again the day me and alex went to school or they will held us back" I said "that he has been doing this for months why didnt you say anything?" alex askes "he said if I told anyone he will kill me" I said bringing my knees to my chest "okay but what are the things he did?" jack askes "he would kick me or punch me" I said alex looks at mark "is that why you had cuts and bruises all over your body?" mark askes "yeah he also---" I said stopping short my voice breaking "he also did what?" alex askes "he---" I started to cry alex comes over and hugs me "did he touch you?" alex askes with a soft voice I looked at him "no but he----brought----the---one--who----did----it---be----for" I said in between sobs "did the other guy touch you?" mark askes "he tried but I fought for myself" I said "good" mark said kissing my head zack comes in "lets go guys" mitch says "wait hold on we have a new plan" alex said "alright what is it?" zack askes "so jay will go to williams house and they will do what they normally do and jay I know you wont like this part but let the ohter guy try and touch you the cops will already be on there way we will call them so they can see okay?" alex says I look at mark he nods "okay" I said "and also scream help with you hear the cops come inside" mark said "alright" I said "I texted william that im coming over" I said "alright and the cops are on their way" alex said "I will take you to his house" mark said "alright" I said. When we get to williams house "hey it will be okay we got this trust us and if the guy tries and rape you when the cops dont come in then scream bloody murder we will also be out there with daisy just in case it goes south" he said kissing me "alright I love you" I said I get to his door and I knock on it william opens the door he grabs me "get your ass down there now!" wwilliam shouts I go down to the bassment and I see the guy is there already he comes towards me and starts kissing me he takes off my shirt and pushes me to the bed he gets on top of me and william grabs my hands and handcuffs them to the bedframe I start to panic "shh its okay~" the guy said he starts to grind his hips on mine he starts to take off my pants I start to cry "help please someone help!" I scream a loud as I could "shut up!" the guy says slapping me in the face he takes my pants off completely he starts to kiss me again deeply "lapd open up!" I hear a cop say I hear the door get knocked down I break away from the guy "help im down here please!!" I scream "mark please save me!!" I scream even louder "open this door right now lapd!" the cop says "you leave---" the cops stops talking the door gets kicked down and I see daisy running to the guy on top of me "mark!" I said quickly I start crying "shh its okay" he says "hey I need help" he shouts to one of the cops the cop comes over and uncuff me I grab onto mark as fast as I could I start to cry mark dresses me and pickes me up and we head outside to the group "jay!" the all shout running up to us "we did it" they said "where we to late did he rape you?" alex askes getting concerned I shake me head "just scared if you guys didnt come sooner he would have" I said "alright well lets go celebrate two things your guys marrage and this" mitch says "alright" we all said and we head to zacks house to party.

Marks pov
We get to zacks house "what took you guys so long?" tina askes "we had to take care of something" alex said "and that is?" tina askes "family shit" mitch says "we are family" tina says "what he means is our family" zack says pointing at us "oh okay" tina says "oh and alex some girl is here for you she is the backyard" tina says "alright" alex says I grab alex wrist "tell her dude and just be yourself" I said "alright" he said leaving to the backyard "who is here for alex?" zack askes me "maddy" I said "your sister?" mitch askes "yes" I said "alright" mitch said leaving to the kitchen followed my zack I sit on the couch and jay follows me and lays his head on my lap "you okay darling?" I asked "yeah I will be okay thanks to you guys" he said with a smile I lean down and kiss him deeply "I love you" I said "I love you more" he said "so guys how does it feel like being married?" tina askes "fucking awsome" I said "why so awsome?" tina askes "because now everyone knows that he is taken and other things" I said jay blushes I let out a chuckle "so are you guys going to adopt jack?" she askes "yeah we are" I said "he seems like a good kid" she said "he is" jay said "where is jack?" she asked "oh probably with his boyfriend" I said "oh alright" she said "jay!!" mickenly says jumping on jays chest "hey mickenly" jay said with a smile daisy starts to growl at mickenly "daisy be nice" I said she stops growling "why did she do that?" tina askes "she is just protective" I said "oh alright" tina said "hey mark here" mitch says handing me a beer "thanks dude" I said "I want some" mickenly says "no buddy its an adult drink" jay says "awe okay" he says "here" zack says handing him a soda and jay one too. Alex comes back inside "hey mark can I talk to you out here?" he askes "sure" I said jay gets up so I can move and I head outside "whats up?" I asked "maddy wants to talk to you" he said "alright" I said "hey mark" maddy said "hey maddy" I said I see the sad look in her eyes "whats wrong?" I asked "im sorry for everything I did to you im a awful sister" she said "hey its okay I forgive you" I said hugging her daisy runs up to me and pushes maddy off of me and growls a bit "daisy its okay she is family" I said petting her head "you have a dog and you named it daisy?" she askes "yeah" I said I feel arms wrap around my waist I turn around "whats the matter darling?" I asked "mhm cold" jay mumbles I take off my hoodie and I put it on him "you guys are so cute together" maddy says "thanks" I said "so alex" I said "yes we are" alex said "finally now I dont have to listen to you whine about her anymmore" I said with a smirk "whatever" alex says jay tries to light a cigarette but its to windy I grab the lighter and I put my hand in frount of it and light it "thanks" he says "no problem baby" I said "hey mark and jay your kid is here!!" zack yells from inside the house "alright send him outback!" jay yells back "kid?" maddy askes "well not official yet but we are going to adopt him soon we just have not told him yet" jay says "you guys should tell him tonight" alex says "okay" me and jay said "hey guys" jack says walking up to us with someone following him "hey jack" we all said "this is my boyfriend matt" jack said "hi" we all said "matt this is jay, mark and alex" jack said "hi" matt said "oh this is maddy marks sister" jay says "oh okay" jack said maddy waves "how old are you guys?" matt askes "im 18 and alex is almost 19 in two days  and mark is almost 19 in six more days" jay said "oh okay I was just asking because you two have beers and you have a cigarette" matt said "no its alright" alex says "hey guys!" mitch says "yeah?" I asked "its time to play~" mitch hums walking over to the table I look at jay then alex and we run to the table "im first!" alex says "no you were first last time!" I said "guys!" zack says me and alex stop "I got more dont worry dudes" zack says and taking off the other tarps "I call dibs on the sniper" I said "damn it!" alex says "I call dibs on the sniper rifle" alex says "I call dibs on the rifle" mitch says "fine then I will get the ak" zack says "so that means jay you get the shotgun since you dont really know how to use a gun" zack says with a smile me and alex look at eachother and start to laugh "what so funny?" mitch askes "just wait you will see" alex says with a smirk "so who is going to go first?" zack askes "I will" jay said "okay" zack says me and alex start to smile "why are you guys smiling for?" mitch askes "just watch" I said "okay jay try to atleast hit the target" zack says jay gets ready to shoot he fires and hits the dumies legs first then the shoulders then the head. "Still think I dont know how to use a gun?" jay askes with a smirk "what how?" they both ask "who do you think helped us that day if none of us had a gun?" I said "that was him!?" the both said shocked "yeah" jay said wiht a smile "damn" they both said "boys!" tina shouts "uh hey mom" zack says "what the hell are you guys doing out here?" tina askes "uh playing" alex said "if I find out anyone dies from your guns I will kill all of you guys!" tina says "yes mom" we all said tina goes back into the house. "Alright mitch your turn" zack says mitch steps up to shoot I see daisy run up behind jack and knocks him in the way of the gun "jack get out of the way!" I shout I push him out of the way I feel I sharp pain in my side I fall to my knees "fuck!" I shout jay and them come running over "shit im so sorry mark" mitch says "go get tina!" zack shouts mitch runs to the house "mark!" mickenly shouts running to us "hey lets go get ice cream!" zack says picking mickenly up.

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