Chapter 9: again

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This chapter has the mention of rape in it so if you are sensitive to the word or anything to do with it then dont ready this chapter or just skip the parts.

marks pov
I wake up to an empty bed so I go downstairs "hey what you guys doing?" I asked "getting ready for school" alex said "why?" I asked "because we got called saying if we dont show up they are going to flunk us" jay said "okay" I said "are you not going to come?" alex asked "no" I said "why not?" jay asked sadly "I dont know I just dont feel like going" I said "I will be waiting in the car" alex said "okay" jay said "is everything okay?" jay asked putting his hands on my hips "I just have a stuff I need to think through sorry love" I said kissing him "its okay but call me if you are ready to talk or you need some support in what ever you are going through and I will leave school to help you" jay said "okay" I said I pull him in for an other kiss "see you later" I said "bye baby" jay said before heading out the door I go back upstairs and go back to sleep. I wake up five hours later and I go to the bathroom I look at myself in the merrior "Im sorry jay" I said to myself I grab my pocket knife and I start cutting my wrists till the blood starts dripping on the floor I get up and I wash of the blade and I wash my wrists it stinged at first but I watched the blood and the water mix together and I go into the closet and I pick out a hoodie and I walk down stairs I check the time its 2:50pm so I grab my pack of cigarettes from the kitchen counter and sit on the pourch waiting for jay and alex to come home. I see them pull into the driveway and stand up my vision gets all blurry and I almost fall down the steps "woah easy there" alex said cathing me "thanks" I said "how did that happen?" alex asked "I stude up to fast" I said "be careful next time" jay said and he hugs me "I hate school so much" jay said "yeah so do I" I said we all go into the living room I sit on the couch and jay sits next to me with his hand on mine "im going to make food who is hungry?" alex asked "oo I am" jay said "no thanks" I said "okay" alex said jay gets on my lap and faces me I kiss him deeply he grinds his hips on mine "mhm I love you" jay said pulling away "love you too" I said he moves off of me and he puts his hand on my wrist on actudent I move my hand away slowly so he does not think anything of it alex comes back with the food for them "you sure your not hunrgy?" alex askes "im fine" I said "okay" alex said I space out for a while. "Mark?" jay said "uh?" I said "sorry I spaced out" I said "its okay I asked if you wanted to cuddle with me?" jay asked "okay" I said "dont be too loud!" alex shouted when me and jay are going up the stairs I go lay on the bed "why are you wearing a hoodie its so hot out here" he said "I was cold" I said he crawls over me and he puts his soft lips on mine granding his hips on mine even harder than be for "mhm your horny today" I said " your always horny" he said smiling "fair" I said with a smile he put his hand on my wrist and kisses me more I winces in the kiss "you okay?" he askes "mhm!" I said a little to fast I get up to go to the bathroom and I close the door I roll up my sleves and I wash the blood that is coming out of my wrist I go back out "everything okay?" he askes "yeah im fine" I lied im not fine my vison goes blurry and I quickly sits down "you sure your okay it seemed like you where about to pass out" he said "I just got a little light headed thats all" I said "did you eat anything today?" he askes I stay quit trying to think of something "mark did you?" he askes "yeah" I said "what did you eat then?" he askes "uhh" I said "baby why did you not eat anything today?" he asked "I did not feel like it" I said he pulls out a health bar.

jays pov
"Eat this please" I said handing him the bar he eats it "come on lets sleep" I said laying down he lays next to me and I spoon him I could not fall alseep I put my hands on his arms and I feel him jolt a little but I ignore it I watch videos on my phone for a while I start to feel somthing wet I bring my finger up to my nose and I smell it "is that blood?" I ask myself I put my hand on marks and I feel it coming out I wake up mark "mark get up" I said he wakes up "what?" I ask "your bleeding" I said pointing to his hands he jumps up out of the bed and he runs to the bathroom "shit" he says I follow him "can you let me in?" I asked I open the door to see him washing his wrists ad blood going into the sink "oh mark you didn't" I said he turns and looks at me "I--im sorry" he studders "hey hey its okay" I said moving towards him "alex!!" I shout alex runs into the room "holy shit mark" alex said "can you grab me the first aid kit?" I asked he runs to get the first aid kit. I try and get up to leave but he pulls me back down "stay please" he mumbled "okay" I said stitting back down alex leaves the room. "Why did you do it?" I asked "I just was hurting so bad about things" he said "is it because of what yen said about your brother?" I asked "yeah but-- dont be mad at her for alex sake" he said "okay but I will still hate her" I said "fine" he said I pull him into a hug "dont ever do that again" I mumbled "I wont I promise" he said playing with my hair I look up and I kiss him it gets heated pretty fast I put my hands on his waist and he puts his hands on my neck "why are you so horny today for?" he said "I dont know now shut up and kiss me" I said he kisses me deeply he pushes me to the sink "mhm~" I moaned "we can't not right now baby alex is home" he said I poutted "oh come on dont do that" he said I looked at him with sad eyes "fine" he said he grabs me and he pushes me to our bed he lays me down and he starts sucking on my neck I let out a quite moan he takes off my shirt and starts sucking my nipples till we heard a knock on our door "hey guys can I come in?" alex asked I quickly put my shirt back on but mark is still on top of me "oh woops sorry guys didnt mean to ruined the mood" alex said "its fine" I said "what did you need?" mark asked "I wanted to ask if any of you guys want to come to a party with me?" alex said "where is it at?" mark asked "its at zacks house" alex said mark looks at me with begging eyes "can I?" mark said "fine" I said "you can come too" alex said "you know I dont like to party" I said "yeah I know but its zacks house and me and mark will be there if anything happenes" alex said they both look at me with begging eyes "fine I will go but if I get uncomfy then we are leaving got it?" I asked "yeah fine lets go" alex said we all go downstairs and head to alex's car. We soon arive at zacks house and there is a lot of people already we get out I grab marks hand "you will be okay just stay by me" he said "okay" I said we go inside and we are all hit with a wave of acohole alex dissapears in the crowd of people I sigh "you will be okay" mark said we get to a not so crowded place he grabs a beer "hey mark" a girl says "hey?" mark said "do I know you?" he said "yeah im in your math class the one you sit next too and ask for a pen all the time" the girl says "oh yeah eva right?" mark askes "yeah" eva said I tug on marks sleave "whats up?" he askes "I want to smoke got any on you?" I asked "oh yeah I think" he says he goes through his pockets and he pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter "here you go" he says I grab them "thanks I will be outside when your down talking have fun" I said kissing him on the cheek before turning around but mark grabs my arm "hey thats not fair" he said I smile "come here then" I said and I kiss him on the lips this time and then I go outside to smoke.

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