Chapter 20: the end of time

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Marks pov
For the past couple of months Jay has been getting worse the boys has stopped in to see him here and there even daryl has too me and jack wont leave his side because he is getting close now we all know it I hate seeing him in pain like this I dont want him to go none of us do but its better than knowing he is in pain I still remember the first time I layed my eyes on him alex was throwing a party I came over early to help set up this was the first time I was over his place jay was 14 and I was 15 he comes down the stairs in an overside hoodie "hey alex" he said with a yawn "hey jay did you just wake up?" alex asked "mhm" jay said I knew he had a little brother just never met him because he was in the grade below me but alex never stops talking about him "whose this?" he asked "this is mark he is one of my friends been for a while just never invited him over really" alex said "okay" jay said "what did you eat today?" alex asked jay didnt say anything "its okay jay maybe next time im throwing a party I will tell people not to go upstairs" alex said "okay" jay said "is he not going to join us?" I asked "no I dont like to drink and being around a lot of people" jay said "okay" I said "so mark since you never get drunk can you watch the stairs and keep people from going upstairs to jays room?" alex asked "yeah" I said when the party started people where dancing and drinking I had to stop two people from coming upstairs "hey" I heard someone say I turn around "oh hey jay" I said "did alex put you on stair duty?" he asked "yeah" I said "I will be okay you can go party" he said "I dont really like to party that much" I said "why are you here then?" he asked "to escape home" I shouted over the loud music me and jay start talking from that point on and about a year later I started to get feelings for him then here we are he is now my husband and we have a kid I still cant belive it. I snap out of my thoughts when I feel someone shaking my shoulder I look up to see its jack "hey jack" I said "you okay it looked like you where deep in thought" he said "yeah im okay just thinking about jay" I said "me too" he said I look over at jay he is sleeping peacfully "I dont want him to go" jack said with a shakey voice I bring him into a hug kissing the top of his head "me either kid" I said jay starts coughing I let go of jack and I go to jay "its okay baby" I said I rub his back when he is done he lays back into me "it hurts so fucking much" he said in a husk voice "I know baby" I said the doctor told us that jays conditon has gotten worse and his heart is not giving enough blood to his lungs "I love you baby" he said "I love you too darling" I said trying not to cry jack comes next to me "I love you too jack" he said "I love you to dad" jack said holding jays hand jay starts coughing again jay sits up next to me he starts wheezing I hold his hand "baby we need to talk just us" he said "okay" I said "hey jack can you go and get jay some more water?" I asked "sure" he said getting up jay waits till jack is away from the door "baby I----im getting weaker every day" he said starting to cry "I know darling I know" I said I let tears slip down my face "baby you have made me the happest man in the world if I could turn back time I would do it all over again even if I know the out come I love you mark and dont you forget that take care of your self for me okay and jack too I love you baby" he said "I love you too darling very much and I will" I said "and thank you for being there for alex and me you will always be my husband" he said with a sad smile "why does this sound like a goodbye?" I asked "because it is" he said I start to cry harder "no not yet please im not ready yet" I said he grabs my hand and inter lock our finguers "yes you are baby I love you" he said crying "I love you too" I said "is that why you didnt want jack here?" I asked he nods "dont do this you cant I need you me and jack need you" I said "I will always be there even if you cant see me" he said weakly I kiss him one more time it was sweet and comfortaning we pull away he gives me a soft simle "I love you mark" he said "I love you to jay" I said "I left you s---something in our room i--its in the side table I love you" he said before he closes his eyes I hear the heart monter flat line "I love you too" I said kissing him again I get up and I leave the room I fall to my knees "fuck!!!!" I shouted "dad!!!" jack yells he runs to me "is he?" he asked I just nod jack runs to the room "mark!" zack and mitch yell they go down to me "he--hes gone" I said "it will be okay" mitch said starting to cry they both do I get up and I go hug jack "come here kid" I said he breaks down.

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