chapter 12:married

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⚠warning this part will contain smut warning⚠

marks pov

I walk into the hotel room and I pick up jay and start kissing him deeply he wraps his legs around my waist I slip my toung in his mouth and he moans loudly "mhm mark wait" he pantted I pull away "you okay?" I asked "can we go to the bed?" he asked "yeah" I said I carry him to the bed I hover over him and started to kiss him deeply I go down to his neck "ah mark~" he moaned I pull off his hoodie and I see that he cut himself again but I dont say anything and go down to his chest and I suck on his nipples "ah mark~" he moans even louder I go down to his waist of his pants and I tease him "come on mark please~" he says moaning a bit I take off his pants and I take his member in my mouth and I begin to suck on it "ah mark~" he moaned he runs his hands in my hair tugging on it lightly I pull out and I grab the lube out of my backpack and I put it on my member and on his hole I slip in my member slowly "ah faster~" he moans I go faster hitting his good spot "ah im going to cum~" he moans tugging on my hair a bit more I go even faster and I cum inside of him "ah~" he moans I lean up and I kiss him deeply and I go faster, he cums and I go faster than before "mark~" he moans I go faster I cum again and so does he I pull out and I lay next to him "round two in the shower?" he wisphers in my ear "alright you horny fuck" I said. We go to the shower and I turn it on hot and I start kissing him deeply again I put my member in his hole and I begin to go fast he tries to hold onto somthing so I grab his wrists and I put it over his head I see that his cuts start to bleed again but I keep going till he says somthing he moans loudly I go faster "ah im going to cum~" he says "me too just hold on" I said he nods his head I go faster "mark please I cant hold it anymore" he pants "just a little bit more im almost there" I said he just nods his head again I go even faster "ah plase~" he moans I cum inside of him again "okay you can" I said and he does so we clean eachother off and head back to the bed "I love you so much" I said "I love you more" he said I look at him and then down at the bed sheets "whats wrong?" he askes "why did you do if for?" I asked looking at his wrists "im sorry I did not mean too it just was a feeling that I could not shake" he said "alright but no more" I said. "You worry to much" he said with a smile "well I got to worry your going to be my husband" I said he blushes and kisses me again. "Man your so horny" I said "stop complaning that you dont like it" he said with a smirk "oh shut up" I said hitting him lightly he crawls over me I look up at him and I tickle his sides "hahah baby stop please!" he laughs "whats the magic word?" I asked "I love you mark please!" he says I stop he lays next to me and cuddle closer to my chest "you tired?" I asked "mhm" he said "love you" he said hushly "love you too" I said kissing his neck and we both drift off to sleep.

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jay pov

I wake up to mark holding onto me I smile a little I kiss his hand and I dig my face in the noke of his neck "your adorable" he whispers in my ear making me jump a little bit I look at him and smile "so how are we going to do it?" I asked "do what?" he askes "get married" I said "do you want a big thing or just sign a paper then throw a party?" he askes I stay quite for a bit thinking about it "too sign the papers" I said "alright then and for the party it will only be our family" he said "alright" I said he gets closer to me and kisses me "we should go home" he says getting out of bed to get dressed I sit up and bring my knees to my chest "what do you want for-" he says stopping short "whats the matter?" he askes sitting down next to me rubbing my shoulder "its--its nothing" I said getting up to get dressed I go to the bathroom and I close the door behind me I look in the mirror and I see my cuts I sigh and get dressed I head back to mark I go to my bag and pull out a pack of cigarettes and go outside I lean on the railing I feel mark rubbing my back before coming next to me "whats bothering you? he askes I just look at him and smile a bit "come on tell me please darling" he begs "its nothing" I said rubbing my arm "did you cut again?" he askes "no" I said looking down he lifts my chin up so im looking at him again "but you want to dont you?" he askes "maybe" I said he grabs a hair tie and gives it to me "here if you feel like you want too cut then just pull the tie it will hurt but wont do any major damage" he said I grab the hair tie and put it on "thanks baby" I said "no worries just dont want you to die on me because jack needs you and so does everyone else" he says "yeah" I said I rub my arm again "do you want my hoodie to cover up?" he askes I nod my head he takes off his hoodie and puts it on me "lets go I texted alex they are at zacks house do you want to go?" he askes "sure but we can go home first?" I asked "yeah" he said we get to our truck and leave to our house. We get to our house and I go find daisy "thats what why you wanted to come here first" he said kissing me "yep and you need to take your meds" I said "fine" he whines I leave the house with daisy I open the truckbed "alright girl up" I said and daisy jumps up and lays down I light another cigarette and wait for mark to come out. He comes out and kisses me before getting in he takes my cigarette and takes a puff then hands it back "alright lets go" he says we start heading to zacks. We get there and we hear them in the backyard so we go through the gate and daisy almost knocks me down but mark catched me before I fell "hey" alex says to us "hey" we both said "whose dog is that?" tina askes "its ours" I said "oh hi jay and mark" tina said "what type is she?" she askes "she is a full pitbull" mark said "oh okay do you know what house burned down near you guys jay?" tina askes I look at mark he shaked his head "no sorry" I said "it looked really bad I hope no one got hurt" she said "mommy!" mickenly said "what is it?" she askes "can I pet the doggie?" he askes "sure go head but remember jentle" she said zack comes out with beers "oh hey guys" zack says with a smile "hey" me and mark both says "here" zack says tossing mark and alex a beer "you guys are too young to be drinking" tina says "where 18" alex says "yeah and the real age to drink is 21" she says "oh well not our problem" zack says mitch comes out of the house with a beer in one hand and a soda in the other "here catch jay" mitch says tossing me the soda. Alex zack and mitch went to play with daisy and mickenly and me and mark and tina just watched "so mark how is your family?" tina askes he chokes on his beer a bit "oh uh its not a family anymore" he says I put my hand on his he looks down then back at tina "what do you mean its not a family anymore?" she askes "well--" he says wondering off "do you mean that you are out on your own?" she askes "no my---my father is in jail now after--" he said "after what?" she askes "after I put him in there" he said "well with the help of alex and jay" he said "why whould you do that for?" she askes "because----because he---he use to a---abuse--me" he said trying not to cry "oh mark im so sorry how is luke?" she askes "he is not here---anymore" he said starting to cry now he looks at me "im going to find alex be right back" I said getting up "hey alex get tina away from us she is making mark cry because she is making him talk about luke and his family" I said "okay I will get into a fight with mitch so she will come over" he said "hey mitch lets fight I know you want a redo from last time" alex says and alex punches mitch I run back to tina and mark "hey tina alex and mitch are fighting!" I said tina runs to the boys I see that mark is still crying and his knees are brought up to his chest.

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