chapter 17: messed up

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Marks pov

I wake up with jay in my arms "morning love" he said "morning darling" I said kissing him he looks at me with worried eyes "what is it dear?" I asked "you think alex is okay?" he asked "yeah why?" I asked "well when we got home he did not say anything and just went into his room" he said "he just needs time" I said messing up his hair "I love you" I said "I love you too" he said I get up "where are you going?" he asked getting up with me "to check on alex" I said walking out of the room I hear music coming from his room I open the door and I see him drawing "hey" I said "oh hey guys" alex said turning off his music "you okay?" jay asked "yeah why?" he asked "no reason" I said "what are you drawing?" jay askes "its not done but uh here" he said handing jay his drawing "is that mom and dad?" jay asked "yeah" alex said "damn thats good" I said looking over jays shoulder "thanks" alex said taking back the drawing he puts it in a box "you have more drawings?" jay asked "yeah here are the done ones" alex said putting a box on his bed me and jay walk over and we go threw them "these are so good!" jay said "thanks" alex said "whats this one suppose to be?" I asked jay looks over at it "looks like two people on a bridge about to jump off of it" jay said we both look at alex "is this you?" I asked "shit I forgot I put that one in there" alex said "is it?" I asked "yeah" alex said "where you going to jump off?" jay asked "I was going too" alex said "who is the one next to you?" I asked "zack he got up there with me and said if I jump he will too" alex said "alright" I said putting it back and looking at the other ones. "Hey alex?" jack asked coming in "yeah jack" alex said "there is a lady here and she is asking for you" jack said alex looks at me "alright" alex said we follow jack downstairs "hey alex" the lady says "get the fuck out!" alex says "now thats no why to treat family" she said I see alex makes his hand into a fist I look at jay and nod my head towards alexs fist jay goes next to alex "we are not family" alex said "im your moms sister I think that makes us family" she said "no family is there for eachother!" alex said "and you where never there for us!" jay said "yes I was!" she said "no I had to take care of jay all by my fucking self no thanks to you cause you where never fucking there!" alex said rasing his voice "you know what that does to a fucking 14 year old?" alex asked "I will tell you it put pressure on them trying to keep the other from being taken away and being all alone you dont understand the things I have fucking lost and the things I had to do!" alex said "well you could have called me I would have helped!" she said "I did call you fucking said stop being a whimp and do it yourself and stop asking me for help!" alex said "alex im sorry but im here now to help" she said "its to fucking late for that!" alex shouted "now get the fuck out before I make you" alex said turning around to go to the kitchen "you get that from your dad!" she said alex turns around and shoves her to the wall grabing the bat "you dont fucking know anything about my family!" alex shouted "I dont think you have told him did you?" she said looking at jay "dont go there you dont know shit!" he said "if you dont let me go I will tell them your little secret" she said with a smirk alex lets her go he looks at jay "what secret?" jay asked alex "go on alex tell him what you have been hiding from for years!" she said alex shakes his head "I am not going to let you ruin everything I have done so get out before something way worse happenes" alex said "and whats that hit me with your bat?" she asked laughing he looks at me I nod "oh daisy!!!" I shouted daisy comes running into the room "if you dont leave right now daisy here will have a new chew toy" I said with a smirk "fine I will leave I have done my part" she said alex slams the door behind her slides down it "fuck!" he said starting to cry "alex what was she talking about?" jay asked alex lets out a sigh "so you know the video that we found?" alex asked "yeah what about it?" jay asked "dont you think its a little wired that they made it and burried it knowing we are going to find it?" alex asked "yeah I did" jay said "so you how mom and dad died in a car wreck?" alex said "yeah" jay said "that is not true mom and dad actually got murdered and they knew it was going to happen" alex said "your lying its not true" jay said "im sorry" alex said jay starts to cry and hugs me "why did you not tell me?" jay asked "they told me not too" alex said "did you know about this?" jay asked me "no" I said "who did know about this?" jay asked "zack thats it he is the only one" alex said "okay" jay said "we are really a messed up family huh" jay said with a chuckle "yeah" alex said with a laugh getting up and heading towards the kitchen "whats the deal with you and maddy?" I asked "I dont know she said she will call me and hasnt yet" he said getting a beer "how about you call her first" I said "maybe" he said "I also did not know you can draw" I said "well you guys dont know everything" he said with a smirk "oh yeah and whats everything?" I asked "that the rules are not based off of you guys" he said "then who are they based off of?" I asked "me and zack" he said "wait what!?" I said "yep my parents made them cause all that stuff me and zack did" he said "damn" I said "still cant belive you are bi and did not even tell us" I said "I was still figuering it out" he said "oh alright" I said his phone starts to ring.

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