chapter 6: fight

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marks pov
I wake up too alex and jay in the bed with me I get up and go down stairs I grab a beer from the fridge and I sit on the couch and I watch tv. I hear someone coming down the stairs "hey mark" jay says "hey jay" I said "you know its only 8:00am right?" jay askes "yeah I know" I said "you okay you only drink when your upset" jay askes "im fine" I said with annoyance "sorry I was just asking no need to be mean about it" he says "how was I being mean?" I ask "the way you said it" he says "I only said it like that because im tired of people asking me that every time I look down and shit" I said "well sorry that you have people who are worried about you" he says "its whatever just leave it" I said getting up to throw away the beer can "im sorry I should not have said anything" he said "yeah you shouldnt have" I said sitting back on the couch. "Whats that suppose to mean?" he askes "I dont know im just agreeing with you" I said "why are you in such a bad mood for?" he askes "because I wanted to be" I said getting annoyed even more than before "well sorry for getting on your narv" he said "its whatever" I said he sits on the couch and we just sit in silence. I get up and I put on my shoes "where are you going?" he askes "dont worry about it" I said "no im going to worry about it I care about you" he said "alright just dont worry too much then" I said "so your not going to tell me?" he askes "no I dont ask were your going now do I?" I ask "well no" he said "then dont worry about it I will get back when I get back" I said "what is with you today and the whole week" he askes "im fine just leave me alone!" I shout "dont get all pissy with me for just asking whats wrong!" he shouts back "well then just stop asking!" I shout "no I care about you!" he shouts back at me "okay so?" I ask "so what?" he askes "you care about me so what!" I shout "I care about you because I know what you have been through!" he shouts back "you dont know shit about what I have been through!" I yell and he shoves me I shove back and he hits the wall and falls to his knees "jay im sorry I--I didnt mean too" I studer "mark what the hell did you do?" alex askes "I--I--did--not--mean--too" I studer my hands start shaking "then explain it to me!" alex shouts and gets closer to me I flinch "im sorry please dont hit me im sorry" I said "mark I was not going to" alex said I leave and I go to my seceret place.

jays pov
"hey you okay?" alex askes "yeah nothing I never felt be for" I said "where did he go?" I ask "he left" he said "he will be back he is just doing a mark thing" he said "yeah" I said "what where you guys fighting about anyways?" he askes "about how I should leave him alone and stop asking if he is okay" I said "thats stupid" he said "yeah" I said "you know why he has been acting wired right?" he askes "no why?" I ask "because of his brother" he said "what happened to his brother?" I ask "well his brother overdosed last year and his birthday was two days ago he was upset and when we found out how marry died it remembered him about his brother thats why he was upset last night" he says "oh I never knew" I said "yeah he does not talk about it much" he said "where do you think he is?" I ask "I dont know" he said "you think he went home?" I ask "there is no chance he goes home" he said I leave to go to my room and I dont leave all day. "Jay come on out please and eat somthing" alex says I dont say anything "okay I wont force you" he says walking away. I open my door slowly so it wont make any noise and I grab the plate of food I sit on my bed and eat thinking about all of the good memories with me and mark. I finish my food and I play netfilx "jay?" alex askes I stay silent "can I come in please?" he askes I get up and I unlock the door "hey" he said "hey" I said he hugs me "can I watch too?" he askes "get in here dork" I said with a smile we watch tv for a while I fall asleep and I feel alex leave he says somthing but I let sleep take over.

alex pov
I need to find mark I say to myself I pull out my phone and I text maddy

ALEX: Hey you there?


ALEX: So Jay and Mark got into a fight and Mark left do you know where he might have gone?

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