chapter 7: sick

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jays pov
I wake up and I head downstairs to the kitchen I make myself some toast I go sit on the couch I put on the tv I see alex coming down the stairs "hey" he said "hi" I said back "is mark not up yet?" he askes "no he is still sleeping" I said "thats odd he is normally up when you are" he said "yeah but he had a rough week so he might be tired" I said "yeah maybe" he said sitting down next to me. "How are you feeling?" he askes "im fine still a little woozy from the meds but it its not that bad" I said "well just take it easy then" he said "im sorry" I said "its okay just dont fucking do that again" he said with a sturn look on his face I put up my hands "I wont" I said. I just sit on the couch and watch tv all day still being tired from the hostpital "mark is still not up yet?" alex askes coming from the stairs "yeah he is" I said "thats odd even for him im going to go check on him" he said heading upstairs I follow him "hey mark you okay?" alex askes mark just mumbles something "what was that mr mumbles?" alex askes "go away" mark said "why?" alex asked "because I said so" mark said "okay then" alex says getting up "you go talk to him" alex says I walk to mark "hey mark want to hang out?" I asked "no go away" mark said "come on you cant stay in this room for ever" I said "just leave me the fuck alone!" mark said turning away to face the wall me and alex leave the room. "what is wrong with him?" I ask "I think I know but let me call maddy" alex said "okay" I said "yeah so mark is just been in jays room all day and wont eat or even get out of bed I think I know what it is but I just want to be sure" alex said to maddy "mhm he only does that when he does not take his meds or he is in a bad mood" maddy said "thats what I thought well thanks for the help by maddy" alex said hangging up "what meds?" I asked "mark did not tell you?" alex asked "nope" I said "mark has bipolar" alex said "oh okay" I said "have you seen him taking his meds?" he askes "no I have not" I said "thats problay way he has been acting like that and thats might be why you guys had your fight" he said "oh" I said "we need to get him his meds" he said "why?" I asked "because if he does not take his meds he will be unstable and he might hurt himself or someone else" he said "shit" I said "yeah let me talk to him alone" he said "yeah go ahead" I said.

alex pov
I walk to jays room and I go over to mark "hey dude" I said "go away" he mumbled "no and why did you not tell me?" I asked he stayed quit for a little bit "because its not your problem its mine" he said "it is my problem we are family bro" I said "sorry" he said "its fine just tell me next time okay?" I asked "fine" he said "come on jay is getting worried about you, you have really did something to him he never worries about people like the way he does with you" I said "I know" he said with a smirk "whatever dude" I said pushing him a little making him fall off the last step of the stairs "bitch" he said "I know what you are but what am I" I said he scoffs and walkes over to jay and kisses him deeply "okay you guys can fuck later right now you got to go to the doctors" I said pointing at mark "do I have to?" mark asked "yes you do I promised tray that I will look after you" I said "fine but you guys are coming with me" mark said "okay" I said "lets go then" I said I look in mirror and I see jay is not looking so hot "hey jay you alright man?" I ask "yeah just tired" jay said "did you eat anything?" I asked "yeah I did I had toast" jay said "alright" I said I looked at mark in the mirror he pulls jay into his chest getting my hint. A few minutes later we arrive to the doctors "alright we are here" I said "hey alex" mark whispers "what and why are we whispering?" I asked "cause jay is alseep" mark said "okay can you carry him in?" I ask "yeah" he said we both get out of the car and mark puts jay on his back "hi we have an apportment for 2:30pm" I said "yeah right this way" the nures said w get to our room and mark puts jay down on the table and he sits next to jay "so who is first?" she askes "I am" mark says the lady does the exam on mark "the doctor will be right with you" the lady said. "Why did you say that you where first?" I ask "because I dont think he is alright like he says he is" mark said "smart thinking" I said before the door knob starts moving "hi im doctor miles" he said "so what the problem?" he askes mark "I need somemore bipolar meds" he said "okay what about him?" he askes pointing to jay "well he overdosed two days ago and he is still feeling woozy from the meds that they gave him but they should have went away by now so we just want to see whats the matter" I said "okay can you wake him up" he asked "yeah sure" I said mark woke him up and told him that the doctor wants to take a look at him jay just nodded his head "can you breath in and hold?" miles askes jay does it "okay breathing is fine" he said the doctor took jays temp "he has a slite fever" he said "but everything else seems fine" he said "you guys are free to go" he said "you knew you wern't fine didnt you?" mark askes "yeah I knew I was sick" jay said we get to the car and we drive to go pick up some medicen for jay and marks meds.

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