Chapter 18: loss

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Jay pov
I see alex fall to the ground "alex!" I shouted running to him "alex wake up!" I shouted shaking him "mark call 911!" I shouted the ambulance comes and takes alex "I will ride with him" I said "okay I will not be so far behind" mark said I getting in the ambulance. We get to the hostpital they rush him into a room "sorry sir you cant come in here we will get you when you can go see him" a doctor said I go to the waiting room my mind is racing my only thought is if he is going to make it or not "I need to call zack and tell him what happened" I thought to myself I grab my phone "jay is everything alright?" he asked with a worried tone "i--its alex" I said starting to cry "what happened is he alright?" he asked starting to panic "he is in the hostpital he got cut pretty badly by them and he passed out and will not wake up" I said "im coming there what hostpital are you at?" he asked "the one on ralphs street" I said he hangs up I see mark and jack come in I run to mark and I cry harder "shh its going to be alright" he said rubbing my back "what if he dont make it?" I asked "he will its alex he has been through this a hundered times" he said "but what if he dont make it this time" I said "he will I promise" he said we sit down on the couch. I take deep breaths "you okay darling?" he asked "I will be okay" I said getting up "im going to go smoke" I said I light a cigarette and I sit down on a bench near by and I just break down crying "hey you okay kid?" I lady askes sitting down next to me I wipe my tears "I will be okay" I said "what happened?" she asked "my brother got hurt badly by some people" I said "oh im so sorry well I need to go now hopefully he gets better see you kid" the lady said walking to the bus that pulled up I throw my cigarette and I head back inside I lay on marks lap he plays with my hair "you alright?" I asked "yeah" he said I close my eyes then I open them "go to sleep I will wake you when something happens" he said I drift off to sleep. I wake up see that mark and jack are sleeping "hey jay" someone says I look behind me "zack?" I asked "yeah" he said "when did you get here?" I asked "a few hours ago by the time I got here you all where sleeping" he said "did the doctor say anything yet?" I asked he looks at me I see his eyes gilzen in the light "zack what did they say?" I asked "he lost a lot of blood" he said "okay they can just hook him up to an IV" I said "jay they--they dont know if he will make it he already fell twice" he said my eyes start to water I try to blink them away "no no no! he cant die not now" I said my voice breaking "jay im sorry" he said "I--I need to smoke" I said running out of the hostpital I start to cry I light a cigarette I slide down a wall just crying "sir sir are you okay?" I nurse askes "im--im fine" I said with a shakey voice she sits down next to me "how old are you?" she askes "18" I said "you should not be smoking" she said "it helps with my anxitey" I said "why did I find you crying here?" she asked "my brother he lost a lot of blood they think he wont make it" I said "oh honey its okay I know they are trying everything they can" she said "he is my only family I got left after my parents died" I said her beeper starts going off "well I need to go whats your brothers name?" she askes standing up "alex ridder" I said "your a ridders boy?" she asked "yeah we have been here a few times" I said with a chuckle "I will see what I can do" she said leaving zack comes out to me "you okay jay?" he askes "yeah he will make it he has been like this many times before" I said "yeah" he said "you came all this way just for him?" I asked "him and you guys" he said "I dont think I have ever seen someone care about alex like this before" I said "well no else can handle your guys messed up shit if they are not messed up too" he said I chuckle a bit "yeah" I said throwing my cigarette "ready to go inside its fucking cold out" he said "yeah" I said he helps me up we head back inside I go to mark and I lay next to him I kiss him softly "wake up zacks here" I whispered he opens his eyes slowly "mhm" he said sitting up "zacks here?" he asked "yeah" I said "hey mark" zack said waving a bit "have the doctors said anything yet?" mark asked "yeah" I said looking at zack "they said that he has lost a lot of blood and they dont know if he will make it he has already fell twice since I have been here" zack said "holy shit" mark said a little too loud jack sturs in his sleep "shh jack is still sleeping he has already been through a lot" I said "sorry" mark said getting up "jay ridder" the nurse from before said "yeah" I said going to her "im not really allowed to do this but I will take you to see him if you want" she said I look at zack "go" he said "okay" I said I follow her to a room she opens the door I see alex hooked up to alot of wires and machines I let out a shaky breath I go over to him and I grab his hand the only sound is his breathing and heartbeat on the machines "alex I know you can hear me you got to fight this please I need you z--zack needs you" I said trying not to cry "zack is here you really got a good one this time" I said letting a tear run down my cheek "please wake up I cant do this again" I said starting to cry a lot more than before "im sorry jay but its time to go" the nurse said "thank you for letting me see him mam" I said "call me casy" she said "okay thanks casy" I said walking out of the room and to mark I look at him he runs and hugs me I breakdown "it hurts seeing him hooked up like that" I said "I know" he said zack hugs me too "he is okay for now he has two IVs in him and he is hooked up to two different machines" I said "come on baby lets sit down" mark said "do you think he will make it this time?" I asked "I--I dont know baby" he said.

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