(n.3) Meeting Mr. Kou Minamoto

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3rd POV:

Song of the chapter: The Blonde (Iykyk) :)

From: TV Girl

(Your name) had been back on the way to the old girls bathroom to meet Hanako and Yashiro. As soon as she got there, She couldn't help but give a Yashiro a hug. She was just adorable, As you thought to yourself, Yashiro had been red faced and flustered. "(Y-Your name)! What are you doing?!" Yashiro said, flustered by the sudden hug. She actually really liked it, She thought that you would be the perfect girlfriend for her in the future. You replied to her by saying
"I'm just hugging you, Wh-"
you were cut off by Hanako gripping to your waist.
"Hey! Where's my hug?!" Hanako complained in jealousy. You just hugged him back, while you hugged he thought of an idea. An evil idea. He went back to floating around while you and Yashiro bonded, Then straight after put you in a headlock while nuzzling your hair. He and Yashiro were bonded by the mermaid scales yet he was able to touch you since you were and Exorcist and like supernaturals can do that with only Exorcists. Yashiro yelled at him before calming down about it.

Now you all were just chilling on the rooftop of the old school building for the school while Yashiro fangirled over a manga guy (we love a bi queen and she's bi because I said so :^)  ) while Hanako was dealing with her bullshit. "Wait so the guy killed the ghost guy thingy and saved the girl, Wow." Yep how ironic. But Yashiro still was fangirling over the manga guy while you just looked down on the school rooftop. You all were vibing and what not.

But then, A blonde boy walks onto the rooftop.

Kou's POV:

I walked onto the old school rooftop hoping to just find Hanako and Yashiro but there was someone else. It was the girl I bumped into before. Teru-ni has her over at our home. I walked over to her but she kept using Hanako as a shield. Heh, Was she embarrassed to see me? I mean I myself was pretty embarrassed to come here and talk with them lot after the fact I tried to exorcise Hanako while the girl was off sick. She's very sweet, I've spoken with her a few times but I didn't expect her to get embarrassed to see me at school. Nor did I get her name. Ever."Hanako, Would you mind telling me who she is?" I questioned before seeing him smirk.
"This is (First name) (Last name), The only girl who I like in Kamome Academ-" Hanako said as he was cut off by the girl covering his mouth with her hand while having a flustered expression. "Hanako, Don't say that!" (Your name) scolded him as he continues to smirk.
"Well, I wasn't necessary lying." Hanako said as she became even more flustered. "(First name) (Last name) huh?" I said as she nodded. She looked so clueless to what was happening, As if she had been in her own world the whole time. She was in between both me and Hanako before Yashiro pulled her away from us.
"Hanako! You can't just say that whenever you want! It's rude!" Yashiro yelled as she held the (h/c) girl closer to herself.

Yashiro's POV:

"Who does Hanako think he is?! Does he know that you can't just say something like that about girls! Plus, She's too good for him, But she's perfect for me. She's so warm, I could hold her forever if I was able to," Yashiro thought to herself as (Your name) ate a loaf of bread while being in her embrace. "(Your name) , Where did you get that from?" I asked.
"I didn't eat it at lunch. I don't know why but I'm always hungry. I don't think I'm even hungry at this point, I think I just need something in my mouth." Y/n said as she took another bite of the bread that she was holding. I laughed, "Y/n your so adorable. " I thought to myself. I saw Hanako smirk, I just know that he's going to say something weird. "Well I know what you could have in your mouth, How ab we get bounded together, I got more mermaid scales. I'd be much more happy being bounded to you then Ms Daikon over here-" he was cut off by me covering his mouth. "Hanako, What is it with you and saying rude things?!" Both me and Kou scolded him.
"What was he talking about again?" You said dumbfounded, Really you weren't even listening to what was happening.

Hanako's POV:

I smirked at how she reacted. "I said I know something you could put in your mouth, Let's get bound together-"
"HANAKO!?" Both Kou and Yashiro yelled as (Your name) just put her headphones on. "Oh how she was adorable. She would make the perfect girlfriend. She's smart, skilled and absolutely beautiful. She can clean, cook and speak multiple languages too! I hope she likes stargazing though, I definitely will be down to do a lot of that future wise." Hanako thought as he walked towards her and rested his head on her chest. "(Your name)~ Can you hug me again?" I said as she hugged me. I would love to go stargazing with her, she seem to like being focused on stars and space from what I've heard from her. No wonder her head is always in the clouds. Eventually it got late, Everyone left. Now i'm lonely, Oh well I'll see (Your name) again soon anyways. Now, Where is Mr Tsuchugomori?

                                            Bye bye~                                                    


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