(n.2) In the student council room

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3rd POV:

Song of the chapter: Amour Plastique
From: Video club

As Y/n walked into the student council room, she stared at the two boys dumbfounded as Akane had been hanging upside down while Teru was laughing. "Oh, Hi (Your name)." Teru said calmly while walking over to her. Akane stared at Teru furiously as he signaled to let him down. He wasn't just furious about Teru hanging him upside down, He was furious about Teru hanging out with the love of his life. Sure he loved Aoi, But Aoi didn't love him. Then he met Y/n and he instantly fell in love with every thing to do with her. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes, Her soft lips, Her long/short soft (H/c) hair, the way she talks and her personality. He really did love her and didn't want her to be taken away from him. He'd lock her in a cage if that meant so, He was just kidding he would never do that. Akane was still signaling for her to come over and help him before she came towards him and took him off the ceiling.
"Teru, Why did you hang Akane from the ceiling. He did nothing but help you." (Your name) said as she removed the tape from his mouth and body gently as she was trying not to hurt him.
"Well, You know how I'm an exorcist and he's a supernatural. Their basically inferior to us exorcists." He said as if he was trying to reason with her. (Your name) became silent before speaking again.
"I'm an exorcist and don't think that. I think supernaturals are just people who wanted a second chance at life. Now Akane, Are you okay?" (Your name) said panicked as Akane nodded. She sighed in relief. "Oh, Okay." She said calmly as Akane hugged her tightly, basically shoving his face in your chest. You didn't know what to do, so you put your headphones on and Pat his head while opening your Bridgeton book and started to read it.

Akane's POV:

She smells nice. I'm surprised that she's letting me do this, I guess she's just bored. Oh how my heart flutters when she's here, Teru can be such a pain. Not all Exorcists have to be evil pricks you know, (your name) isn't cruel like him. She's lovely, She looks like such a beauty while she's reading. She seems so focused, I wish she was that focused on me. What even is she reading anyways? Oh, Bridgerton or whatever it is. I wasn't much of a romance fan, I didn't think she was. Normally I see her checking out Classics or Murder mysteries or horror or something of that genre, Maybe I might have to give romance a second chance. All for her.

Teru's POV:

I think that I have just made a fool of myself. She actually took his side. She really is innocent, and kind. She looks as if she were a goddess and I wouldn't mind worshiping her. In fact, I'd do a lot more then worship her. So much more then I can say, Then again can you blame me? Just look at her. She's the definition of beauty. Oh I wish she would just ask me out like the other people in this stupid school, Plus anytime she visits Kou doesn't seem to mind much. In fact he encourages me to bring her over, So maybe he wouldn't mind having her as his sister in law some day. Oh well, I guess I will have to be patient.

3rd Person POV:

Eventually it got late and you were needed at home by your parents, So you said your goodbyes to your fellow friends and collected your things before you all safely got home. Now, You currently layed in bed while your eyelids began to get heavy. Before drifting off into a deep sleep, You couldn't help but relive the day mentally. Oh how disastrous it was. Then again, You will miss disaster from the academy once you leave for college one day. So might as well learn to enjoy even things that might make you hate it at the moment. But at least you'll be in close contact with your fellow friends, And just gotta get Hanako a phone and you'll be able to talk to him after leaving. Until tomorrow.
                                             Bye Bye~                                                    

Word count: 736 words.


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