(n.14) An Aquarium Date With Mitsuba <3

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Song of the paragraph: I Was All Over Her.
From: Salvia Palth. (Album: Melancholy I think.)

(Shhahshshhsshbhsgsbz I hope you Mitsuba SIMPS like this paragraph. If you don't I will cry myself to sleep. Also, Nothing weird happens here! If y'all dont like the son I Was All Over Her by Salvia Palth then you can just listen to Cynical One by TV Girl obv. But enjoy the paragraph bbg 🤪 BTW it might be short cuz I said so and I added Mitsuba and Y/N head cannons at the end. Also I'm writing this at 01:00 O'clock in the morning because I can. Writers block is annoying since it comes back out of nowhere. I don't know if this is tooth rotting fluff or just plain old fluff with Mitsuba but enjoy bbg. )

3rd Person's POV:

It was 6:45 O'clock in the morning and Y/N had just woke up. Like any normal person would, She woke up, took a shower, brushed her teeth and got dressed. Once she had gotten out of the bathroom, Her phone had been blowing up with notifications from.. Mitsuba?

                                         Mr Girlie-Girl <3    (Mitsuba)              

Mr Girlie-Girl (Mitsuba)

Ay, Y/N are you awake?

I fuckin love food (Y/N)

Wow, Good morning to you to ig. But I'm awake,
Why do you ask?

Mr Girlie-Girl (Mitsuba)

I was wondering if you wanted to
go to an Aqairium with me. I MEANT THAT
WAY YOU PERVERT! (No he didn't 🤭)

I fuckin love food (Y/N)

Yh totally but sure, Mr Girlie-Girl.

Mr Girlie-Girl (Mitsuba)


I fuckin love food (Y/N)

It's my nickname for you.

Mr Girlie-Girl (Mitsuba)

No comment.

I fuckin love food (Y/N)


Mr Girlie-Girl (Mitsuba)

Ik right, I'm hilarious. Anyways, What time
should I puick you up to go to the Aquarium?

I fuckin love food (Y/N)

Uh definitely not now, Maybe around 4:30?

Mr Girlie-Girl (Mitsuba)

Alr I'll meet you at ur house.

I fuckin love food (Y/N)

M'kay bye Mr Girlie-Girl.

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