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(Oh god, This might be a bit uh 18+ at the beginning. I'M SO SORRY)

Song of the chapter - Salvatore
From: Lana Del Rey

3rd Person's POV:

You had been walking out of school with Natsuhiko since he offered to help babysit with you. First, You stopped at his house for him to get changed. Then, you stopped at your aunt's house to get your cousin. "Natsuhiko, For some reason my cousin looks like you." You said as he laughed. "Right, Y/n I'll get (cousins/name) at 12 O'clock in the night." Your aunt said. "Okay okay, Go have fun at your friends wedding!" You replied as she smiled. She gave you a tight hug as you and Natsuhiko walked out of your aunt's house. "You seem to be a special person in your family, Can I ask why?" Natsuhiko asked, He wasn't being rude. Just curious. "Well, I was the first girl born in the family. So I think that's why. All the rest of my cousin are boys." You replied as you finally stopped at your mansion (imagine your own mansion). You stepped inside with Natsuhiko and you cousin. Your cousin was laying in your arm happily. You walked upstairs and put (cousins/name) in a cradle, He had been smiling and laughing as soon as he got into your arms. "Aww Bingus, Your adorable!" You exclaimed as you held him close you you with a big smile. "Wait, His name is Bingus?" Natsuhiko asked, He was very confused. "No, my family had given him the nickname Bingus. So I just call him that." You replied. "Natsuhiko, Please do me a favor and stay here with him. I need to go get changed." You said as you ran to your room. After all, You still were in your Psyche costume.

You put on this dress. It looked good on you and captured your curves nicely. Not to mention, It was very comfortable. You walked back into the room with Natsuhiko, who was playing with Bingus. He looked back at you and blushed heavily but still acted normal. You bent over Bingus's cradle and smiled at his happy face. Bingus had been reaching his arms out to you, signaling that he wanted to be held. You picked him up and held him tight, Not to tight though. Natsuhiko just stared at you in awe, How could a person be beautiful, gentle with children, kind, Strong and have an amazing personality. He thought you were fake for a few moments before hugging you from behind. You still were bent over Bingus's cradle so your (yk) was touching his crotch. You didn't mind though, You were just happy with the time you were having with him and Bingus. Natsuhiko hurried his face in your neck as he hugged you tightly. "Natsuhiko, How about we go to my room? It seems like Bingus isn't going to sleep anytime soon and there's nothing to do in here. Not to mention, I have a tv in my room so maybe we can watch something." You suggested as Natsuhiko held you tighter. "Fine." He replied as the two of you (and Bingus) went to your room. Natsuhiko layed on the left side of the bed while you layed on the right side of the bed. Bingus was in the middle. You and Natsuhiko had been looking for things to watch. "How about Titanic?" You suggested. "Alright." He replied as you put the movie on. Not even 20 minutes into the movie and you saw a naked woman. Natsuhiko covered his eyes while you just laughed. Bingus had recently learned how to roll around so you rested him on your chest, But he fell asleep. You had put a cradle besides your bed for Bingus, So you just put him in the cradle. Now it was only you and Natsuhiko on the bed. "Natsuhiko, You can open your eyes now." You said as you leaned in closer to him. He opened his eyes and saw you, and only you. Without a warning, he lifted you onto his lap and hugged you tightly. Though he let out a groan before you got off him, both of your crotches had been touching (through clothing you horny bastard). "Oh my, Natsuhiko darling are you okay?" You asked as he got flustered.

"Y-You called me darling!?" Natsuhiko exclaimed. He seemed very happy. You laughed and just continued to watch the movie. Time fly's and you both were now watching Rose and Jack doing the yk. Well, Natsuhiko covered your eyes to protect your innocents but it seemed as if he had mentally lost his innocents ALREADY. He also covered your ears since you could probably hear Rose's moans from Spain. Natsuhiko's face was red and he got a nose bleed. You could only see his face and the blood dripping from his nose. You got a handkerchief and wiped his nose. "Maybe we shouldn't watch this-" You were cut of by Bingus crying. You rushed over to him as Natsuhiko turned off the TV. As soon as you held him in your arms he stopped crying. "Maybe he was disturbed by the noise." Natsuhiko said. It was already 10 O'clock in the night and you both were wide awake. Bingus slowly fell back asleep. You put him back into his cradle and looked at Natsuhiko. "Why don't we sleep together?" You said as he got another nose bleed. "Y-YOU WANT TO SLEEP WITH ME?!" He questioned. "Yeah, I sleep on one side you sleep on the other. What did you think?" You replied as you layed back on the bed. He layed on the bed and stayed silent. A few moments later, you both fell asleep. You set an alarm to 11:40 since you felt like he's going to be in a deep sleep. You were sleeping peacefully but he had been groaning in his sleep quite a lot. Maybe he was dreaming of something odd? Eh, Who knows.

3rd Person's POV:

You woke up with him. "Natsuhiko, What's wrong?" You said as you basically had your arms around his neck. "Sorry." You said as you let go of him. It was 11:39, You quickly shut of your alarm clock. "Y/n, Where's the bathroom?" He asked as you pointed to a door on the right side of your bed. He ran into the bathroom as you noticed that Bingus was awake. You held him close to you as Natsuhiko walked out the bathroom. "Mind if I hold Bingus?" He asked. "Sure, He seems to like you." You replied as you gave Natsuhiko Bingus. You looked at him and Bingus; And if your were to be honest, Natsuhiko looked as if he was the father of Bingus. The two of them looked so similar to you. You rested your head on his shoulder as Bingus laughed. "He seems like an easy baby; I remember my mom telling me how much of a pain I was when I was a baby, Apparently I had been crawling backwards when I was a baby." (Stranger things reference) He said. You laughed. "Really? That's adorable!" You laughed until you heard a knock on the door. It was only 11:45 so It couldn't be your Aunt. You and Natsuhiko (who was holding Bingus) ran down the stairs and saw Akane. He had flowers in his hand (Specifically peach Snapdragons)
and was dressed in a suit. "Hello Akane!" You greeted him as his face turned red. "H-Hello, Y/n." He said as he gave you the flowers. "I just wanted to give you these since they reminded me of you." Akane mumbled as you laughed. "Thank you Akane." You said as you gave him a kiss on the cheek before he ran away with a nose bleed. You closed the door and put the flowers in a vase before Natsuhiko trapped you in a Kabedon. "Where's my kiss? I volunteered to help you?" He asked with Bingus in his hands. "Oh, I forgot. Sorry Natsuhiko~" You said before you gave him a kiss on the lips. He looked at you, flushed as you laughed. "Would you like another kiss?" You teased as he smirked. "Yes, Yes I would." He said as he leaned into your face. You laughed and kissed him again, But longer. A few minutes later, Both Bingus and Natsuhiko left. "Bye Y/n, See you tomorrow!" "Bye Natsuhiko!" You said before he kissed you one last time. "Talk about some romance." Your aunt mumbled as she put Bingus into her car. Natsuhiko walked home as you closed the door. "We're only friends, I kissed Akane and we're still only friends. So it must be the same with Natsuhiko; I think there's something called 'friends with benefits' that do stuff like that." You thought to yourself. After a few minutes, You fell asleep.

Bye bye~

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