(n.4) Misaki Stairs

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3rd person POV:

Song of the chapter: Diet Mountain Dew

From: Lana Del Rey

(This paragraph will be in 3rd person)

(Holy shi- this chapter is long)

3rd Person's POV:

It had been awhile since you met Kou.Or well started hanging out with him. He was actually a decent guy, Though you liked him because he always brought extra food for you.

Though recently, students have been going missing after trying the 'Misaki stairs rumor' which involved someone going onto the 4th step of the stairs near the art room at 12 am(I think).

Though everything went out of hand when Aoi went missing, everyone forgot about her. So, As soon as school ended. You and Yashiro went to Hanako immediately. "Hanako!" You yelled and he immediately was clinged to your waist. "No need to yell, I'm right here." He said as he just floated around.
"Aoi has gone missing after stepping on the 3rd step of the stairs to the art room and no one apart from me and (Your name) remember her!" Yashiro yelled as Hanako's eyes widened. He seen the look on your face as you looked as if you were about to cry. He felt as if it was his fault for you being sad.
"Stay here for now, I'll tell Kou and all of us can then go to Misaki to get your friend back."Hanako said sternly, He hated seeing you sad. Hell it made him want to cry. As he clinged to your waist, Kou came barging in just to see you sad. "Hey, What's wrong?"
"Aoi went missing after trying the Misaki rumor." You said as Kou hugged you while Yashiro cleaned toilets. She felt guilty but at the same time jealous, She hated seeing you with guys. Especially if they were touching you, but what could she do about it. "I brought you some bread today." Kou said as you gave him a tight hug. He was flustered but he liked it and hugged you tighter. You took the bread out of his hands and split it in 4.You gave one piece to him, One piece to Hanako (which he ate happily) and one piece to Yashiro. You ate a quarter of the piece of bread but fed most of it to birds. They all looked at you in admiration as you fed the birds. One of them sat on your head as you showed it to Kou. "Kou! Kou! Look!" You said as you pointed to the bird on your head while he laughed. "J'aime à quel point les oiseaux peuvent être bizarres".(For those who don't understand, it means I love how weird birds can be in French). You said gleefully as Kou stared at you in admiration and confusion.
"What did you say?" Kou said, Slightly tilting his head as Yashiro stared in adoration.
"I said I like how weird birds can be. I find it funny from how odd they are." You said as the small dove flew into your hands. An idea came into your head, quickly you put the bird on his head while he was standing wobbly. "Hanako, You got a dove on your head!" You laughed as the bird flew away. He laughed along before the bird flew away, The only reason you were even able to feed the birds was because of you opening the window to help the wet but now clean floors thanks to Yashiro's manual labour sadly. But at least you both cheered up, Now we wait for the floors to dry before heading off.

(Time skip to where you all are at the Misaki stairs)

"It's so big." You said looking around as Hanako chuckles, Kou and Yashiro knew something perverted was going to come out of Hanako's mouth. "Should I tell you what else is big?"
"Hanako shut up?!" Kou yelled as he stepped on Hanako's foot, Causing Hanako to grunt in pain. As the two boys argued, You and Yashiro walked away until you all heard a telephone ring. You picked up the telephone. "Hello?" You said as you heard a womans voice. She basically asked for a left leg (I don't feel bothered to write what else she said). As you all where looking for a left leg, Yashiro found something else. You look back at her to make sure she's okay but notice something odd about her. "Hmm, Yashiro. Are you feeling alright? Something is odd about you. " You said as Yashiro looked back at you and the two bickering boys.
"Yeah, I'm fine wh-" That was all she said until a padded bra fell out her clothes. Hanako patted her back, You and Kou were confused and Yashiro was flustered in embarrassment. "Uhhh, Maybe we all should forget about what just happened." You said as Yashiro agreed with you. Everything was silent before Kou yelled "Guys! I found a left leg!" You all look back at him in surprise. "Good job Kou!" You said in a gleeful tone as you patted his head. He didn't know what to say, but he liked getting attention from you. He was feeling things that he would never feel with another girl. He wanted for only you to give your attention to him, compliment him. While he was lost in thought, You all were confused to why he isn't giving the leg to wherever he was supposed to put it.
"Kou, Darling. Are you okay?" You said as you waved your hand in front of his face. The other two had their first clenched, None of them ever have been called 'darling' by the person they adored the most. Kou blushed furiously from the sudden name he's been called.
"Hey! Why don't you ever call me darling?!" Hanako yelled. He hated the fact that Kou was getting all the attention. "Well Hanako, You take everything seriously and Kou does." You said as he then got another idea. Yashiro was jealous and fed up with Hanako, so she didn't say anything this time. "Well then, Call me it from now on. An ounce me as your fellow boy-friend!" Hanako laughed as Kou scolded him. The phone rang again. Hanako picked it up and answers it. "Hello n. 2, Long time no see." he said as the woman on the phone just asks for her right leg.

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