(n.7) A sleepover with Yashiro Nene

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Song of the chapter: Hey Lover

From: The Daughter's Of Eve

3rd Person POV:

You finally made it over to your house with Yashiro. "Wow Y/n! Your hous- can you even call it a house? It's a mansion!" She exclaimed excitedly as you laughed.

(You got two mansions you rizzlord)

As you both walked into your mansion, Yashiro couldn't help but gasp in surprise from how gorgeous your house is. As you were walking through your hallways, Yashiro felt as if she were in heaven. She was with you in a beautiful place, That was her definition of heaven.

"Shall we climb the stairs together?" You said in your best posh accent before you put out your hand, Signaling for her to hold it. "We shall," she said before holding your hand. You both were laughing the whole time. "So Yashiro, This is the library," you said as her jaw hung loose.

"You have a indoor library?!" She said as you chuckled and nodded your head. "Now should we go to the dining room?" You said as she nodded.

"Sorry if it's a bit messy," You said as Yashiro stared at you in shock. "What do you mean messy? Your house looks 10x better then mine?!" She said as you laughed. Yashiro smiled, she loved to hear you laugh. It was like you just cleansed her from her sins. A few hours later, You basically showed her all of the house apart from your room and balcony. "So Yashiro, Would you like to go to the balcony next?" You said calmly. "Yes!" Yashiro yelled in excitement.

The view was jaw dropping, It was so gorgeous to the point where Yashiro felt like she were in heaven with you. Oh how she loved the time with you. "Now Yashiro, would you like to see my bedroom?" You said as she instantly nodded. You basically carried Yashiro up the stairs from her legs going numb after the 10th step. Finally you made it to your bedroom.

"Wow, Your room looks gorgeous. How many houses did you have again?" She asked. "I have 2 mansions and 3 houses," You told her proudly. You look out the window and notice that it's already quite late. "So Yashiro, Is there anything you would like for dinner?" You asked her. "Hmm, I really want pizza but I don't want to buy it. I wanna make the pizza with you!" She exclaimed as you laughed. "Okay Okay, Let's go!" You said as you carried her bridal style and took her to the kitchen.

You walked into the kitchen with Yashiro in your arms and turned on the light. You put Yashiro down and got the ingredients out for a pizza. "So first we need 290g of flour, 4g of dry yeast, 7g of salt, 18g of olive oil and 7.1oz of room temperature water," you said as you got all of the ingredients in a flash. Yashiro was surprised since normally you weren't quite as serious. Yashiro got a large bowl out and placed it on the table in front of you both.
(Time skippp to where your both waiting for the dough to set)

You both were sitting in your room for quite a moment talking. You got out your record player and played the song 'Cigarettes Out The Window' by TV Girl while you were sewing your Halloween costume of Psyche. "So Y/n, How's your costume going?" "Good," you said as you continued to sew your costume. Yashiro loved the look on your face when your were serious. To her you looked so attractive to the point where she wouldn't stop staring until you moved your face away. After a few hours of talking with Yashiro, you heard your alarm go off. The pizza dough was ready. You carried Yashiro down to the kitchen and made the pizza. The rest of the weekend you did fun things until it ended. You now are both planning what to do the next weekend.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᵇᵗʷ

I made this because I felt as if you all needed some Yashiro time instead of people literally trying to seduce you so I hope you liked this short part of the story. Sorry if it were terrible but do know this took a long time. Also, the next chapter is the Halloween chapter so yeah be ready. Anyways BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Also if images don't show up then image your own mansion. Wattpad does not seem to like me

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