(n.10) Sleepover with the broadcasting room + Mitsuba

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Song Of The Chapter :Jupiter
From: The Marías

(B/n) = Brother's Names
(C/n) = Cousin's Name

Y/n's POV:

I woke up at 10am, Gee that's the latest I've woken up. (B/n) we're still at my cousin's house so I guess I have no responsibilities today! Oh wait- I gotta have a sleepover with the broadcasting club and I think I'm late. How early do these people expect me wake up? Anyways, I took a shower and put some new clothes on since I can do whatever I want with my clothes.

(Imagine the dress in any colour you want,my Pinterest only shows red clothes 😭)

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(Imagine the dress in any colour you want,my Pinterest only shows red clothes 😭)

I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked nice; The only problem was that the dress showed quite a bit of my thighs. But, Life isn't perfectly. I got a bag and packed more stuff like books, headphones, an extra pair of shoes, perfume, more clothes, pyjamas, jewelry and and extra set of undergarments. I don't know why but some of my undergarments have been missing. Am I getting robbed? Eh, It's just undergarments; I don't think there's a purpose for it unless someone's wearing it, Which would be gross. Anyways, I got my bag and started to walk to Sakura's house. It wasn't far, Only a couple of minutes. I got to her house and knocked on the door. I brought her a gift since why not?

3rd Person's POV:

As soon as Sakura opened the door, Y/n immediately gave her the gift. "Hey Sakura, Sorry I'm late." You said as you stared at the floor in shame as she laughed. "Don't worry, I don't mind." She said as she leads you into the house. She brought you to her living room to which you saw Tsukasa, Mitsuba and Natsuhiko. "Uh, Good morning?" You said awkwardly as the rest of them laughed. You just sat on the sofa next to Natsuhiko. He wrapped his arm around your waist but you didn't mind, it was normal compared to yesterday. "So how did you sleep Y/n?" Natsuhiko asked as Mitsuba sat besides you. "Well Uh after you left, I just passed out on my bed." You said bluntly as he laughed. You looked besides you and saw Mitsuba, who looked rather happy. "Mitsuba.. Can I braid your hair?" You blurted out. "Oh! Uh, Sure.." He replied as you started braiding his hair. He seemed really comfortable surprisingly. As you were braiding Mitsuba's hair, Sakura was opening her gift; to which you got her a silver Pandora bracelet and a box of chocolate. She seemed really happy as she put the bracelet on. As you finished braiding Mitsuba's hair, Natsuhiko just watched in jealousy. Until.. "Y/n, Remember how yesterday we kissed?" He blurted out. He wasn't lying, You both did kiss a couple (a lot) of times that day. "Oh I do, I think I only did it because you helped me babysit (c/n)." You replied bluntly. The rest of them looked heart broken before you spoke; To which they just glared at Natsuhiko, They knew you were too innocent to kiss someone intentionally. "Y/n~ I bet I'm a better kisser the Natsuhiko~" Tsukasa said as he floated onto of you. "Uh, Cool." You replied, not knowing what to say. "So, What do you all want for lunch? It's already 2 O'Clock" Sakura said calmly. "Uh, I want pasta." You and Mitsuba said at the same time. You both stared at each other before your phone was buzzing loudly. "Who's texting me now?" You said as you picked up your phone.

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