(n.15) Baking time with Mitsubabe.

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(Hiiii everyone sorry for being dormant for quite some time 🥰. You all can yell at me if you want, But hopefully Wattpad won't take down my picture of Mitsubishi since I will cry if they do. Btw, I'm somehow still in my Daganronpa phase since it randomly came back and kicked me in the ass. But I still like TBHK, So I can keep writing for y'all. BUT I'M SORRY TO WHOEVER I SAID I WAS GOING TO WRITE ABOUT AOI FOR THEM I'M STILL WORKING ON IT. But since i'M still on break I don't want to leave my readers bored so I will make more Mitsubabe fluff since I love him so much I swear one day I will make a fan fiction dedicated to him. But have fun reading!)

Song Of The Chapter: Swing Lynn.
By: Harmless.

3rd Person's POV:

Day two with Mitsuba. Well, After the aquarium day out with Mitsuba turns out he never left your house. Instead all night he slept cuddling you on the couch. Little did you both know that your three younger brothers woke up extra early and took a photo with you cuddling Mitsuba. Ah, They can show you this one day. But then they just scurried off back too bed to go back to sleep since it was like 4 in the morning and they were tired as fuck. You kissed Mitsuba three times on the lips, And a few extra on his face. So he had lipstick marks on his face, cheeks and forehead. He didn't notice at all, After all he is asleep. But what where you both dreaming of?

Well Mitsuba seemed really happy sleeping, He simply was dreaming about how lucky he could be if he were to date you. He loved you with all his heart, It simply would shatter him of you were to leave him. He barely could stand being away from you, So this moment for him was like pure euphoria where he got to cuddle you and hold you close to him. He wanted to spend every day of his (dead) life like this, But what was Y/N dreaming about?

Oh, Y/N wasn't dreaming of anything complicated. She rather looked happy like Mitsuba when she was dreaming. Well, Y/N was dreaming about taking over the world.

Anyways, You both woke up about two hours later and you finally noticed what on earth was going on. You were sleeping and cuddling Mitsuba while he had kiss marks on his face. You simply laughed it off and got off of Mitsuba. He didn't seem bothered by it at all though, He enjoyed times like this. He enjoyed seeing you happy, And that's very rare as we all know him as his narcissistic self sort of. Yet he did have a heart. You both were in a bit of a haze when you woke up, But afterwards you both just stood up and did your thing. You both did your routine and ate together... Plus your three younger brothers. Mitsuba was sad that he had to was your kiss marks off his face, Yet he just took a picture of it and knew he was most likely going to get more later on.

We don't know what the fuck is up with the school but now one of the cooking classrooms got set on fire so they're trying to fix the damage. Anyways no school for you and Mitsuba. So now what do you do?

Mitsuba's POV:

Damn, I got kissed by Y/N. I'm lucky to even be able to get to sleep with her, Now I get this? Ah, I wish every day was like this. It would never get boring to me, I could gaze at her face for hours. She's so beautiful... BUT I'M EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL. I CAN'T BE THINKING OF PETTY THINGS LIKE THAT. Even if it is true..

Y/N's POV:

I'm such a good cook, Gordon Ramsay could never be me.

3rd Person's POV:

Geez Y/N, Anyways you and Mitsuba were just playing with your brothers as you waited for the time for them to get to school. Afterwards you both could sing any CupcaKe song you want- Forget that part. You and Mitsuba got dressed, Don't worry he simply had his clothes over since he enjoys staying at your bigass house. Afterwards you both took your three brothers to school before you ended up getting something else to eat. You simply brought yourself bread and Mitsuba didn't have any money on him. So you both just shared it together, When I mean shared I mean it. After you took a bite of bread, He took a bite straight after you. Oh well, It's fine. You both were kissing yesterday night, This is nothing compared to that.

But after you got home you both simply sang every single CupcaKe song. I mean it, There wasn't one song you missed. Anyways, You both got bored of Karaoke so why not bake? You and Mitsuba liked to bake, And you looked eating. The thing is, What the hell do you want to make?

"Hey Mitsuba?" You asked as you both sat on your sofa, He was hugging your arm and being all over you as if you were to disappear in 3 2 1. You didn't mind, It's the middle of Autumn. It's cold, So she enjoyed his warmth. I don't know how he's warm since he's dead but he just is, Maybe it's his scarf. Maybe you'll rob it from him one day. "Yeah?" He replied as he moved himself closer to you as if he wasn't already basically attached to your hips. "Do you want to make a flan together?" You said as Mitsuba stared at you, The look on his face just immediately said yes. You both got up, Yet Mitsuba still was near you. Oh well, You got out the ingredients to a flan, Mitsuba for some reason put a sugar cube on his tongue then kissed you for fun. You can really taste how sweet the sugar was, Yet the kiss was innocent. I mean, He just kissed you out of affection. Nothing like lust or just because he wanted something since I know SOME people who kiss others for something they want. He just did it to show affection.

Anyways, You both started to make the flan. Mitsuba was being very aggressive when stirring the mixture to make the pudding of the flan while really you were supposed to be gentle otherwise it doesn't work out. "Y/N don't be gentle with the mixture! It won't work out then! If your flan gets ruined somehow I'm not sharing mine!" Mitsuba said with a cocky tone as you both were at the last stage of making the flan. Afterwards it's the good part, Eating it.

I don't know what the fuck happened with Mitsuba's flan but it just broke apart. You laughed it off and ended up sharing your flan with him, Because you were so bored you basically were feeding it to him with the same spoon you ate your flan with. When I tell you, His face was RED (Y/N has that unintentional rizz). But you didn't really recognize it yet, Your brothers came home around 6pm after you took them back home with Mitsuba since they have tuition for like three hours after school. They still were quite young, So only like two hours afterwards they complete fell asleep. Leaving you and Mitsuba, Well he had to go tomorrow if he remembers. So you both went to your room, Did your routine and went to bed only 4 hours later. Ah, Today was a nice day.

(Words: 1295)

                                                 Bye Bye!                                             

(QUICK NOTE: I'm sorry guys if you don'ike this chapter because its sort of short. But I'm quite busy so this is as much as I can do. I really do hope you like it though :) BYEEEEE POOKIES.)

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