(n.6) The Broadcasting Club

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Song of the chapter: Doctor
From: Jack Stauber/ Jack Stauber's Micropop

(Holy this chapter is long)

Mitsuba's POV:

I woke up in some room with 3 other people, One of them was really tall and had brown hair, One of them was a girl and had green hair and the other one.. Was the person that killed me. Oh I hated the look on Y/n's face, It made me feel as if it were my fault. All of them greeted me and told me that I was now apart of the broadcasting club. After a few hours, I learned their names, The brown haired one was Hyuuga Natsuhiko, the green haired girl was Nanamine Sakura, and the person who killed me was Yugi Tsukasa. They weren't that bad, But I would much rather hang out with Y/n then them. Oh I hope to meet her again, But would she want to meet me? I look awful compared to how I looked before. Y/n, I'm sorry.

3rd POV:

You had been quite sad after Mitsuba's 'death'. You wouldn't speak to anyone, You wouldn't read as much you wouldn't even listened to music or eat as much. The only thing you thought about was what life would be if you never had met Mitsuba. No matter how many people tried to cheer you up, You were just.. Silent. Yashiro had heard from Hanako and Kou on what happened and she seemed to feel a bit emotional too. "Y/n, You need to eat. It's not healthy," Yashiro said in a worried tone as you were walking through a hallway with Hanako floating above you. Yashiro was extremely worried that you would get really sick. You only haven't eaten in a day though. You weren't sick or something like that, You were just disgusted from what happened to were you can't eat anything without thinking about it, It made you want to throw up. "No, I'm fine," you said in a blunt tone. Hanako felt himself get upset as he heard you speak, Normally you were the most joyful person anyone had ever know, Now you were just.. Confused. "At least try to eat something Y/n. You know, your really blunt now and worries everyone," Hanako said sadly as he floated above you. You stayed silent for a few moments before finally starting to eat something. They all sighed in relief as you chewed on a piece of bread. Hanako felt for a moment about what happened that day, After all he seen everything. He even seen Mitsuba eat his own heart, so he understood how you felt. Though he also felt mad or angry, He seen you cry and felt as if he wanted to kill Tsukasa a second time, but he couldn't. He was scared of Tsukasa as well so there was really nothing he was able to do about it. He estimated that by tomorrow morning, you would be eating again, After all he seen the joy in your eyes when you were eating the bread. "Well, I gotta go. Bye Daikon and Y/n!" He exclaimed before he ruffled your hair and floated away. "Y/n, Do you think I'm a Daikon?" Yashiro questioned. "No, I think your legs look cute," you said calmly as she smiled warmly before laughing. "Well, I guess we now know what to do when your sad. Force you to eat bread!" Yashiro announced before you both broke out into laughter.

Yashiro's POV:

Her laugh is adorable, I'm glad she's feeling better now. Hmm, I noticed that Halloween is in a week, I wonder what she's going to be. I know that me and Aoi are going to be matching witches. I think that it would be nice to match with her too, but that is very unlikely. "Hey Y/n! What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?" I asked her as she was munching on a loaf of bread. "I think I'm going to be either Cupid or Psyche for Halloween," Y/n said calmly. Oh how I want to see her in a cupids costume or Psyche costume. Either way, She's still gonna look beautiful. Oh how beautiful she is, She makes me want to get on my knees and bow to her, She deserves a lot more then that though.

Y/n's POV:

What should I eat for dinner today?

3rd Person POV:

☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ 𝚈𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙰𝚁𝙴 𝚃𝙱𝙷𝙺 𝚇 𝙵/𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁 ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆Where stories live. Discover now