(n.5) Mitsuba Souske

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Song of the chapter: Can't Remember To Forget You.
From: Shakira (ft.Rihanna)

3rd Person POV:

Class had just ended and everyone was going home or to their clubs. You had been walking to the old building to see Hanako, Yashiro and Kou. Oh how you missed hugging Yashiro. So you tried to get there as soon as possible, that failed. You got there really late because Mr. Prince of the school (Teru) kept following you, but at least he finally left. You walked to the girls toilets just to see Kou harrasing a pink - haired boy with tape on his mouth and his hands were tied up. "Kou, What are you doing with that person?" You said in confusion. "He isn't a person, he's a supernatural who was messing about in the boys locker room." Kou said confidently while the pink-haired boy moved around. Before you knew it, Hanako had clinged to your waist again. "Y/n! Why didn't you greet me when you came in here?!" Hanako said in a envious tone. "Hello Hanako," You said as you kissed his forehead, causing him to almost faint from a nosebleed as you hugged Yashiro. "Anyways, Y/n. Do you want to come help me figure out what this guy wants so be can send him back to heaven or something." Kou said as you let go of Yashiro, Who was quite enjoying the hug. "Hmm, Alright." You said as you walked out of the bathroom with the two boys. "So please do tell me why you taped his mouth?" "He doesn't stop complaining about everything." Kou said in a fed up tone. The pink haired boy looked a bit sad, So you gently took the tape off his mouth and leaned in front of him. "May I ask you what is your name?" You said calmly as the pink haired boy blushed furiously. You were beautiful, you looked like someone who he wanted to meet when he were alive. "Mitsuba.." The boy now called Mitsuba spoke. Kou was shocked that you easily did that while when he did that he got yelled at. "So what's your regret?" Kou said as Mitsuba stayed silent. He did everything BUT say his regret until Kou zapped him. "Photography! It's Photography!" Mitsuba yelled as you stopped Kou from zapping him. Mitsuba looked at you as if you were a goddess. He thanked you quietly but you barely heard it.

(Time skipppppp)

You all were now in the garden, Mitsuba had been taking photos of flowers, birds, you, insects. You and Mitsuba had been getting quite close, It almost made Kou jealous. But he knew that you were doing it for Mitsuba to go back to heaven or something. But, At least he had something of yours.

Mitsuba's POV:

Y/n is a nice person, She's the type of person you'd wish for in your life. Though, I feel.. Odd around her. She didn't do anything wrong but I have a tingling feeling in my chest when I see her, I don't know why though. I just met her today, But she seem like a trustworthy person from her appearance to her personality. Her angelic features drive me mad! Her soft face, Her rosy cheeks, Her delicate long/short (h/c) hair, her pink plump lips that make me regret that I didn't meet her sooner, Her smooth, warm hands, Her innocent personality and Her body. I feel envious that stupid traffic safety earrings guy got to meet her first. Oh Y/n, You will never understand how much I love you. She seems to like reading, Cooking and listening to music. She always wears a pair of headphones around her neck and she surprisingly looks good in it, Not to mention how kind she is. Traffic safety earrings guy told me that she helped him many times. And she's so gentle with animals, Though it is funny when she jumps into someone's arms when she hears a dog barking. She's absolutely adorable when she does that, It's odd that I'm like this with her and not with Traffic safety earrings guy. But, Who cares. I recently found out she's quite strong, And that she likes to eat a lot. Well, I guess that just makes her herself. Traffic safety earrings guy also told me that she's good with kids, I guess that could be a useful skill. I could never have her patience and innocents.

New song for this part of the chapter: Cupid

From: Jack Stauber/ Jack Stauber's Micropop.

3rd Person POV

As the two boys were in their little daydream about you, It started to rain, Therefore you all went inside. Well, You kinda had to drag them outside to prevent them from getting wet. You all were walking through a hallway before a guy that looked like Hanako but with a black seal on his cheek came out and approached Mitsuba.

(After Mitsuba basically gets forced to eat his own heart and dies again. I'm sorry I just can't be assed to write that. >:'( )

You held Mitsuba's body close to yours as you cried heavily. Kou went to go find Hanako who knew he couldn't do anything but watch Mitsuba die. Mitsuba seemed happy to die in your arms, He looked at you and weakly wiped one of the tears off your face. "D-Don't cry, I-It's not a g-good look on you. I-I'm sure that w-we'll meet again soon."
He said as his eyes shut.

Do you both meet again? Who knows, Totally not me ;)

Bye bye, hope to see you soon~

P. S I'm sorry if this chapter was terrible, AND I'm sorry that I didn't add the 4 O'clock library, Just pretend that you were at the students council room while that happened. Also, I may add some random things like you all going outside somewhere instead of actually following the storyline because why not? Also to the five people who actually read this, Tell me if you want more Yandares and I shall do it. And the last thing, I really want to make a Halloween special even though it isn't Halloween so just pretend it getting closer to Halloween in their universe :'). And we're going to the Brodcasting room next chapter since I want u to meet all your Yandares.

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