Let's All Go To A Hot-Spring Together Even Though We Spent 4 Nights Together

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Song Of The Chapter: Louise
From: TV Girl

3rd Person's POV:

You woke up at 6:56 and felt quite energetic, But it was really cold. You put on your fire place and took a hot shower, You were glad that no pervy ghost was watching you shower or bathe anymore. Or was someone watching you?

Hanako's POV:

I went to visit Y/n but she didn't answer the door. No one can see me, So I floated up to her bathroom window and there I saw the best thing in my life. Y/n was there naked and showering. Oh she looked so beautiful, If I didn't have manners I would have climbed into the shower with her and do the yk with her. I got a boner instantly and just floated back down. My face was red with a smirk and I just stood at her door.

Y/n's POV:

I got out the shower and was only wearing a towel until I heard a knock on the door, It was Hanako. Quickly, I got dressed and ran to the door. Quickly, I rushed to the door and opened it. "Hey Hanako," I waved as he seemed rather happy. "Y/n! Y/n! Good Morning!" He yelled as he hugged me rather tightly. He had something hard between his legs but I just thought that those were keys. "Hey Hanako, Why don't you stay for breakfast? My brothers are at my aunts house and I'm quite lonely," You said as he just laughed. "Of course I will, But I think I know a way for you to not feel so lonely anymore~" He said in a teasing voice. "Well what is it?" I asked as he just giggled. I just rolled my eyes and started to cook us both scrambled eggs. We were both just talking about Radom stuff until he leaned against the stove and burned himself badly on his right hand.

3rd Person's POV:

As you were panicking over Hanako's hand, He tried to calm you down but that clearly didn't work. You ran to your fridge and gave him an ice pack. "Hanako, ¡Ten más cuidado! Si dejaste la mano en la estufa por más tiempo, tendrías una quemadura de tercer grado." (Hanako, Be more careful! If you had left your hand on the stove any longer then you would have got a 3rd degree burn.) You said with a panicked tone as you put the ice pack on Hanako's hand while he felt like he was in heaven. You gave him the plate of scrambled eggs but it was obvious that he wasn't able to eat it. Quickly, You ate your food and washed your plate, Then you grabbed his fork and fed him his scrambled eggs. Hanako just ate the food with a red face. Then randomly, Yashiro and the gang just busted through your do as you were feeding him. "HELLO Y/N- Uh, Why is Hanako here and why are you feeding him?" Yashiro said as you had a worried expression on your face. "Have you all ever heard of something called 'knocking'? My poor door looks like it's about to shatter." You said bluntly as you stared at your door while feeding Hanako. Mitsuba was just moving you away from him. "And yet you never answered our questions on why your feeding him." Mitsuba said sternly. "Oh, He burned his right hand and couldn't eat. I was just helping him." You said as you went to was his plate. The rest of them just stared at him blankly. "Anyways, I booked us all to go to a hot-spring!" Aoi said excitedly. You looked as if you were lost in thought, And to which Sakura laughed at your reaction. "Do you all have separation issues or something? You all are literally with me everyday of the week." You said as they all laughed. "Well, We all get bored at times, Plus your funny to be with." Akane laughed as he hung his arm around your neck. After 0000.2 seconds, Teru moved Akane away from you. "So are you joining us or not?" Teru asked. "Hmm, Okay." You said bluntly.

This time, you decided to go with Akane since you were done with the others crazy behavior. You and Natsuhiko promised each other that you both would go home together, He seemed hurt that you left him. But you weren't alone in the car with Akane, You were also with Teru, Kou and Mitsuba since they all didn't feel like walking it there. You all were just listening to random podcasts that came up and you found it VERY boring. "Hey Akane, Kind if I play any music?" You asked as he nodded. Out of all songs you decided to play Government Hooker. You full on were singing your heart out to it as they all were just figuring out what the lyrics mean and say. "Hey Y/n..When did you listen to Lady Gaga?" Kou asked with a flushed face. "A long time." You said cheekily as they all just blushed. "Oh you all are no fun, I should have went with Natsuhiko~" You said teasingly as they all looked like they were fuming. "What is it with you and that Natsuhiko guy?!" Mitsuba scoffed as you just laughed at them lecturing you. "I don't know, Maybe he's the only guy who can have fun~" you said as they all were still yelling at you. You eventually played another song since it was obvious that they didn't like that fact that you liked Lady Gaga. If I am to be honest, you never really understood the lyrics, You just liked the song. You then decided to play Louise by TV Girl. "Louise, Louise you can't be anybody's friend. Louise, Louise I'll love you till I'm dead. " You sang as they all just listened. Your music taste was very Bipolar. But then, "Y/n can you play something else? I can't hear anything." Akane said bluntly as you scoffed. You played Juliet by Cavetown had just listened to the song as Mitsuba seemed rather happy. "You also listen to Cavetown?!" Mitsuba said as you nodded(I head connon the Mitsubishi listens to Cavetown and The Smith's with you) . After, You and Mitsuba just sang along to it. "I hope that she looks at me and thinks shit he's so pretty." Mitsuba sang as you laughed. Then the song ended and you played another song. You decided to play Mrs Magic by Strawberry Guy. Akane laughed as he drove, He found you and your bipolar music taste adorable. "Y/n, Your music taste is so bipolar." Akane laughed as you smiled dumbly. "I know, and yet my aunt's expect me to get married at 20. My husband would get sick of me I just know it." You laughed. "How so? Your beautiful, Your funny, You can cook and raise children your all a man would want." Teru said in confusion. "No, I just think he'd be sick of me listening to random songs on repeat." You said bluntly as they all laughed. "You know Y/n, If you were my wife I'd want a daughter that has your personality, even temper so that when I die they would be there with all of the reasons I loved you." Kou said as you laughed. "Your rather romantic, Don't you think?" You said as he laughed while the rest of them were just glaring at him. To get to the hot springs, It took almost 50 minutes, Any you all were only in the car for 5 minutes before you started to get bored. Then, You thought of something to really piss them off. You knew that they all found it embarrassing when you sang lady Gaga songs, So you decided to sing LoveGame. Out of all songs, You chose LoveGame. "It's complicated and stupid, Got my ass squeezed my sexy cupid-" "Y/N!" You were cut of by Kou screaming your name. "I wasn't done yet, Since were gonna be in this car for like 50 minutes might as well do something to entertain myself." You said bluntly before continuing to sing. "Hold me and love me, Just wanna touch you for a minute. Baby, 3 seconds isn't enough for my heart to quit. Let's have some fun this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick. Don't think to much just bust that dick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick." You sang before smirking, You got your reaction so you laughed before changing the song.

"You know what, I'm done teasing you lot. I'll play a normal song that I like." You said before playing You Can Be The Boss by Lana Del Rey. "I love you but I don't know why.. You can be the boss, Daddy-" Again you were cut off by Mitsuba laughing. "Clearly since I can't sing no more, I guess I'll just check If I have anything to read or do in my bag." You said before checking your bag. "Why the hell do I have handcuffs in here? I swear I might as well have Saturn in my bag as well since it seems that I have everything kept in my bag. Here Mitsuba, You can keep it." You said bluntly before throwing the handcuffs to Mitsuba. "What am I supposed to do with this?" Mitsuba said as he just stared at the handcuffs. "I don't know, You seem like the type of person to make use of things, Use it however you want I don't care." You said bluntly before listening to the song. You all were now on a busy motorway and only had 34 minutes left to get there. Akane got stuck in traffic and seemed like he wanted to die. He stopped the car and was screaming cusses at the other drivers. "Akane calm down, It's not going to take that long." You said calmly as you patted his back. He still seemed angry so you kissed his cheek, To which he changed his mood instantly. "Hey! Why does Akane get kisses and we don't?!" Teru said as you winked at him. "Well, Some people have different ways of comfort.

Finally, you made it to the Hot-spring.

You ran to the girls since you were fed up with boys. Until, "Don't be mad but I forgot to book 2 hot springs. Were all gonna have to share one." Teru said with panic in his voice while they all scolded him. You all were standing by a large hot spring that could probably fit 20 people in it. It was the one that Teru booked. Quietly, you took off your clothes in a spare room and jumped into the Hot-spring. "Y/n, Where did you go!?" Sakura yelled as you poked your head out of the water. "You all are so dramatic."(Y/n is innocent but reckless) You said bluntly as you took out the red flowers in your hair and a few (favorite/colour) fancy looking hair pins. Your hair covered your chest but they all still looked quite embarrassed. "Well, What can we do now." Tsukasa said as he went to a changing room and came out only with a towel. To be polite, You covered your eyes as he got into the water. You swam to the edge of the Hot-spring as they all slowly got in. "Hmm, I would have thought that you all would have argued a bit more before you came in." You said bluntly as you just enjoyed yourself. Out of nowhere, Aoi decided to come and scare you. You basically jumped out of the water when she touched your shoulders. "Boo!" Aoi said playfully as you scolded her for scaring you.
"Man Aoi, what did I do?" You said as she laughed. After, Natsuhiko approached you and randomly dragged your head under water with him (Y'all made out so this is normal compared to what you did before). "Natsuhiko I swear to God that I'll punch you." You laughed as you dragged Natsuhiko under water with you. You both we're basically wrestling in a literal Hot-spring. "You know what, I'm gonna stop them both before they drown themselves together." Mitsuba announced before pushing you and Natsuhiko away. Really, He was just jealous that you got to make out with him AND do this shit with him now. Yet, You both still were wrestling, Mitsuba looked like he was about to beat Natsuhiko up before he had an idea. Quickly, He grabbed you hands and handcuffed them. "Why are you handcuffing me when he's the one who started it?" You whined as you begged Mitsuba to un handcuff you. To which, He felt guilty and did so, But yelled at Natsuhiko. "WHEN WILL YOU STOP BEING A PERVERT?! YOU KNOW Y/N DOESN'T WANT TO BE APART OF YOUR PORN?!" Mitsuba yelled as Natsuhiko laughed. You swam over to Sakura just for fun. "Y/n, Why are you so energetic? You supposed to be relaxing not wrestling Natsuhiko." She said calmly as the rest of the girls agreed. "Aww, Well I was just trying to make it fun." You said before you swam over to Hanako, Who was with Kou. "Hey Hanako, How's your hand?" You said as he laughed. "It's fine though it does hurt a bit. Also, Y/n your chest-" Hanako was cut off by you. "What about it?" You said as you looked over your chest."Nothing.. But anyways, Thanks for helping me~" He said before giving you a tight hug. "Your welcome." You said before going over to Teru and Akane, Who were arguing over why Teru managed to rent 1 large hot spring but not 2 normal sized ones. "Both of you stop arguing before I shove your heads underwater." You said bluntly as they shut up. Their faces were red when they saw you. "Oh-Uh hey Y-Y/N." Akane mustered before you laughed. "I'll see you boys later." You said before swimming away.

Finally, You all were young home. You had a fun time with Natsuhiko in the car and made it home. You layed on your bed after having a long shower and fell asleep.

Bye bye~

Holy shi- I'm sorry if this paragraph is short but thank you all for reading this book. No, I'm not going to stop posting but this month I'm quite busy but I promise you during late April I'll start posting a lot more often. Love you all, BYEEEEEEE

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