One-Shot Poll! [CLOSED]

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Hiiiiiiiiiii!!! :D I do have some drawings with this part (they're at the end) if you just wanna skip the poll.

For those that follow my profile, ya probably saw this coming, but for those of you who didn't-

I'm posting this poll here bc it was too long to fit in an announcement and I didn't want to bother with that- XD -w-"

For a bit of an explanation: I try to post/make a one-shot after every full story I make to try and help me get some extra ideas saved for later, test out what works with a new AU, and also to just take a bit of time to relax after working non-stop before I jump into a new story.

Because the original one-shot I was planning didn't really work out (sry In_A_Lot_Of_Fandoms ;-;"), I'm enacting my backup plan!!! However, I still want to hear your thoughts and opinions, which is where this poll comes in! :3

The first part of this poll: As you all should hopefully know by now, I'm obsessed with writing Limentio/Dimigi, so, I want your opinion-

Luigi X Dimentio


Mr.L X Dimentio

I asked this first because the second part of this poll might be a tad confusing if I didn't ask that first. ^w^"

ANYWAY, for the second part: Would you all prefer-

An UNDERTOAD one-shot


A randomized one-shot?

For the "UNDERTOAD" one-shot, regardless of whether or not the vote is for Luigi or Mr.L, it would be in an altered timeline where either-

Mr.L wouldn't have died, so, instead of Nastasia keeping Dim the Pixl at Castle Bleck, Dim escapes and finds Mr.L. Now, Mr.L has the choice of either turning in Dim the Pixl to either Nastasia or the authorities, or keeping him hidden.


Luigi is the only man in green, Mr.L isn't a separate person, so it's just him in this timeline. Nastasia & Mario take Dim the Pixl to Luigi because they're convinced that he would be able to tame this rebelling Pixl. Dim isn't convinced that Luigi is the same as L, and now Luigi needs to convince him before Nastasia/Mario decide to just get rid of him instead.

If neither of these story ideas appeal to you, you can always opt for the 3rd option:

I put a bunch of Soulmate AU writing prompts in a randomizer and see what I get! (This will also depend on whether Luigi or Mr.L has more votes) :D

So, those are the ideas I have for my next one-shot! ^U^

Ya either get THIS lil' guy~

Or some other ship-y moment like~

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Or some other ship-y moment like~

Or some other ship-y moment like~

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Joking aside, here's the simplified poll:

Luigi OR Mr.L?


UNDERTOAD OR (Random)Soulmate AU?

The choice is yours to make!!! :D

This poll is open for 24 HOURS!!! Best of luck and may the odds be ever in your favor! >:3 XD


The poll ended in a tie somehow, even after I had my sister vote, so I went with the first vote as the winner. So, the one-shot shall be the Limentio UNDERTOAD!!! ^w^

I honestly did not expect a tie, but hey, I think the results are fine. XD

See you all in the one-shot!!! :D

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See you all in the one-shot!!! :D

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