Chapter 1: Why-?

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I wake up to the same alarm I do everyday, I dress the same way I do every day, I stare at the wall while brushing my teeth, the same damn way I do every day.

"Ugh..." I sigh as I walk down the stairs to make my brother breakfast and for him to leave it in the fridge to go to muffits. Oh please Swap, you have a busy day today! Stop moping around! I think.

"Actually? You know what? I'm just gonna leave a note and get to Ink and Dream faster." I think out loud, scrambling for a pen and paper and writing something to my brother.

I then hear my brother get up out of bed, probably wondering why I haven't come to wake him up yet.

At that sound I teleport away, not really wanting to deal with him right now. Geez Swap, that's cold.

We had just been through a nasty genocide run and I didn't feel like doing it again, as selfish as it seems, so I guess that explains my sudden bad mood.


I walk in from a portal and see Ink and Dream sitting on the couch.

"Oh, Swap! You're here early!" Dream says, turning suddenly with a smile that I recognize of him probably thinking something he shouldn't be. 

"Yeah- I didn't really feel like dealing with my brother this morning..." I say.

"Did something happen? I sense some negativity from you." Dream says.

"No, just another reset that's got me down! I'll be fine!" I say, trying to cheer myself up. It was just a silly little thing to be upset about, they happen all the time.

"If you say so!" Dream says, grabbing Inks hand and pulling him up.

I give Dream a look and he blushes slightly. God Dream, you're so obvious. I think, almost laughing out loud. 

"Come onnn Swapppp!" Ink cheerfully calls to me.

"Oh! Right!" I say and run after them.

{Time skip to after training}

"HAHAHA! I landed some real good hits in there, don't you think?" Ink says and I realize that I'm bleeding on my side, but luckily it wasn't visible.

"Yep! Good job Ink!" Dream says, laughing.

"Yeaahhh- oh oops-" I say, I seem to have cut myself more with my fussing of the wound.

"Swap? Are you alright?" Dream says.

"Oh yeah! I just realized something!" I say.

"Okay, good." Dream says, his attention falling back on Ink. Well, at least they won't notice I'm bleeding.

I stretch slightly before following behind them hoping that they say something that proves the fact that I think they're dating.

We head back to the base and several pedestrians stop us to say hi, or get a photo or something. It was mostly a blur because of the cut on my side.


We reach the base and then Ink turns around to say something to me, but I don't hear it, all I can hear is a slight ringing noise for some reason.

"SWAP!" Ink yells, trying to get my attention and I turn to him, showing my bleeding side, that had apparently leaked onto my clothes.

"Holy jesus- Swap what happened?!" Dream says.

"Huh?" I say, forgetting my side for a second, then looking down. "Oh- I didn't realize that cut me that deep."

"What-?" Ink says.

"A bone hit me pretty good, it'll be fine though." I say, not wanting them to worry about me.

"Oh, uh, sorry Swap... I guess I just don't know my own strength sometimes!" Ink says, rubbing the back of his head.

"It's fine! Really!" I say. Stupid. Pathetic. Useless. I think. Wait, what am I thinking-? Don't bring yourself down like that!

"I'm gonna... go home and heal myself, I don't wanna bleed on your floor." I say and teleport home before they can protest at all.


I flop onto my bed, not even bothering to take off my bloody shirt.

  Ughhh do I even feel like healing myself? Yes you do stupid, you'll bleed out. I think to myself.

  What if... I DO bleed out? That would certainly make things better, I just made Ink and Dream probably upset, unless they don't really care for me? Maybe they don't... I always feel like they don't want to talk to me, maybe that's why... 

Am I just face? Do they think that I am a burden? 

Of course they do...

I'm a burden to everyone around me...

"I- What-?" I think out loud. "What am I thinking? I just need some sleep or something..." I take off my shirt and take a look at the cut. "But not before healing this..."

It was hardly a cut, almost a hole. 

I patched myself up and tried to heal it, but halfway though I passed out due to blood loss or something.


Hi- This was shitty, but I also had no chapter plan.

this was also a lot inspired by BruhItsUni so check them out!

So uh, bye?

(Btw voting on a chapter in the top right corner helps a lot-)

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