Chapter 3: Fight

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*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

"Bro? Are you in there?" 

Mphhhh... Oh! Dammit! How long was I asleep for?!

"Yeah! I'm in here Papyrus!" I yell, trying to sit up but I grab my arm in pain, remembering what I did.

I get out of bed and look at the splotches of blood still on it and wince.

Uh oh. I think, looking at the time.

"Fuckkkkk!" I groan in annoyance and pain.

"Sans? Are you okay?" Papyrus asks.

"Yeah- shit- totally-" I say as I try to dress myself. "I just overslept, but I think you and everyone else has noticed that by now."

"Yeah, no kidding, I'll be downstairs, okay?"


Once I finally get my stupid fucking pants on, I rush down the stairs. My brother is sitting on the couch being lazy. 

"Hi bro." He says, waving and I rush out of the door without breakfast and I hear Papyrus say "Bye bro." As I leave.

God dammit you're so useless that you can't even wake up at the right time- God maybe you should just end it yourself...

Ugh! You can't think like that Swap! You have to be positive! You are late, but that isn't something to kill yourself over! 

I open the door to the base and Ink and Dream almost tackle me.

"Where were you?! I was worried!" Dream says.

"Sorry, I overslept..." I say, awkwardly rubbing the back of my head.

"Thank stars! I thought you were mad at me..." Ink says.

Great, you made Ink and Dream upset you motherfucking dumbass.

"Hey Swap?"

"Hm?" I mumble, lost in my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" Dream asks. Oh yeah, Dream can read my emotions, great.

"Yeah, I just can't believe I did thattt." I grumble.

"Actually, there is something really weird with your emotions..." Dream says and my body freezes.

"W- What's that...?" I stammer.

"I can't feel them completely... It's like what someone who put up a block would feel like." Dream says.

"Really?!" I say. "That's weird, I don't even know how to put one of those up."

"Yeah, I know, your emotions always do that too, I can never really get a grip on what you're feeling." Dream mumbles.

"That's-" I start, but the intruder alarms go off mid sentence and everyone gets into a defensive stance immediately.

"Well, well, well, it seems poor old Dreamboat and his friends are in predicament... what do they do~?" Nightmare says condescendingly while emerging from the shadows with his gang.

Pfft- Dreamboat-! I know it's not funny, but it totally is-

Nightmare signals for the gang to attack and we all begin to fight.

Killer lunges for me and I duck out of the way. Ugh, time to show everyone how fucking useless I am... I think, sending a small bone back at killer.

"That all you got baby blue~?" Killer mocks. Yes, because I'm so shitty weak and useless.

I throw an attack.

The subsiding strength of a Swap SansWhere stories live. Discover now