Chapter 4: A Stubborn, Stubborn Sans

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I am laying on the couch, lazily switching the channels, trying to find something good to watch.

Then Alphys BUSTS through the doorway with Undyne, Napstaton and the human yelling something about a group hangout. That's... weird... this has never happened before... I guess Chara really wanted to change something.

"What do ya say Sans?" Alphys says, excited and seemingly looking for Papyrus.

"Uhh... Papyrus isn't here right now..." I say, ignoring the question because it's obvious they would rather Papyrus come, he's the extraverted one anyway.

"Oh, really? Where does he even go? We stopped at Muffet's to grab him on the way here and he wasn't there so we assumed that he was here. You should text him! We came to invite you two to come and eat at my house!" Alphy's says, speaking really fast.

"Why didn't you just text everyone in the first place...?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, it just slipped my mind!" She says. "Plus it would be way less fun!"

"Do you want me to text Papyrus now...?" I ask, sounding way too depressed.


"Hey Broseph, you okay?" Napstaton asks.

"Yeah? Why...?" I almost mumble, focused on texting Papyrus. (Or trying to at least)

"It's just, you keep looking all sad, especially when we walked in, you looked superrr depressed broski." Napstaton says. I mean, I kinda am...

"Yeahhh, I guess I didn't sleep well last night..." I say. I mean, it isn't a complete lie...

"If you say so!" He says.

Papyrus just texted me back, it was kinda rude to be honest. 

"Papyrus texted me back and basically gave me a sassy remark and practically told me to leave him alone-" I say with a sigh.

"Are you and Papyrus fighting...?" Undyne shyly asks.

"Huh? No not really." I say, since Papyrus always sounds mean when texting.

"I- If you say so..." Undyne mumbles.

Alphys grabs me by the arm and pulls me out of my house while Undyne giggles and I try not to cry out because she was holding my arm so tight.

The entire way there I was painfully aware of every single cut on my arms and legs, it stung like a bitch and I knew that if I said anything Alphys would want to look at it. So I suffered in silence and pain. 

Alphys notices me frowning stops to put me on my feet. 

"Come on Sans! Turn that frown upside down!" She says and I do a painfully forced smile.

Once we finally make it to Alphys's place I stand in a corner while everyone is conversing, not feeling like I want to talk ever again.

Alphys seems to see and calls out to me. 

"Sans! You should come and help me make food!" Everyone in the room winces, they have only had my cooking on a few occasions and it was right after Alphy's cooking lessons.

"Sure I guess..." I say, putting my hand on my arm.

"Seriously broski, are you feeling okay?" Napstaton asks.

"Yeah, totally." I say with absolutely no enthusiasm.

"Woah, sarcasm overload!" 

"Sans! Come on!" Alphys yells across the house, so I walk over to her and she pulls me over to her kitchen area.

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