Chapter 7: Someone Who'll Listen

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I open my eyes slowly and pain rushes into my vision, I barely suppress a shriek and gasp at the insane amount of pain it takes to move. Instead of moving I sit in agony trying to figure out where I am.

I quickly realize that I don't know where I am, and then memories come rushing back to me. 

I was found by The Bad Sanses and they... they saved me? Maybe they want to kill me themselves, or maybe torture me because of what I did.

Grumbling out a pained groan I manage to sit up, biting my lip as not to scream.

God damn... those freaks really tore me up. I think, looking around at my body.

I was covered in bandages and gauze, the way it was put on was so professional, like whoever put it on me was used to doing it. 

Gazing around the room I realized that there was a glass of water and a note sitting next to it with some pain medication.

I reach over to look at the note, trying to ignore the pain which has turned into an intense burning at this point. The note was addressed to me in a quite informal way:

Yo, Swap.

If you happen to wake up during the time we're gone, which I don't really believe will happen at this point, we're out currently.

If by some miracle you ARE awake, there's pain medication on the table with some water, I imagine you're in a LOT of pain. You were pretty roughed up when we found you man. 

It's been a long time since you passed out in that weird AU and Ink and Dream were searching all over. They think you're dead. We didn't tell them we had you just in case you don't want to work for those crazy star sluts anymore. I think it's probably a long shot, but we all know that they're not exactly the best with 'mortals' as Nightmare calls us.

I'm pretty sure you're also wondering why the hell WE of all monsters would help you, and honestly? You're hella fun to fight with, although you always seem to beat the shit out of us. We don't usually have monsters that CAN put up a fight, of course there's Ink and Dream, but those guys somehow aren't half as good as you. We can't even land a damn hit!

Also... I know on the note of Ink and Dream, Nightmare was slightly concerned that... they did this to you. I don't know if that's what happened but it seemed unlikely because the amount of footprints. But you're extremely impressive with your fighting skills so that's why we maybe thought that was a possibility... like, you couldn't hurt them because they're you're 'friends' and if that's really what happened, I'll stab 'em for ya!

Sorry about the long note, but I can't help but write these whenever we leave somewhere, I really want to actually know you, you know? I can't speak for the others but I'm really interested in you! I suppose it's dumb but you're SO cool, I mean, even I can't imagine THROWING Dust. 

I guess I have to go now, Nightmare's calling! I really hope you wake up... I wanna SPARE! 


P.S. Sorry for locking you in that room, we just didn't particularly want to be killed in our sleep.

Wow... I wonder how long I really was asleep for.

I guess it was more of a coma?

I'm not sure.

I.. I don't know why Killer of all monsters said such nice things to me...

All I've done is hurt him.

That's all I do.

I hurt and disappoint.

The subsiding strength of a Swap SansWhere stories live. Discover now