Chapter 5: Lost Sparkle

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I rushed back to my house and Papyrus was sitting on the couch, he must have gotten back from wherever he was.

"Hey bro, sorry I couldn't come over earlier, I debated coming over when I got back but I thought it would be awkward." Papyrus says.

"Don't worry, It was shit anyway." I say, honestly not caring anymore about my reputation as someone that didn't curse and was overall innocent.

"Oh? How so?"

"It's nothing..." I say, flopping onto the couch next to him.

"Wow, must have been really shitty then." He says, I don't usually sit down like ever, because I always am trying to give myself a distraction.

"Meh-" I start but get interrupted by a ding on my phone.

It was Dream, it was just 'help' that's all no context, no nothing. It scared me, a lot.  

"Huh? Oh shit." Is all I can manage to say before I teleport away right to Dream and Inks door. I know that something bad is probably happening in there and I shouldn't just rush in but... 

That's exactly what I did. 

I run in and I am immediately greeted by an angry looking Killer who trips me and I stumble, barely not falling down. What the hell Swap?! why are you so dumb?! I yell at myself mentally as I turn to face the entirety of the bad guys. Dream with Ink was off to the side, Ink was trying to heal Dream, he seemed to be hurt pretty bad. Just another time I wasn't there and this time Dream was hurt because of me! Why can't I just do something right?!

"Did you really think after that we would just let you get off scot free little Blue~?" Nightmare says, he stands as if he knows he's better than me. I wish I could say he wasn't but I know that even HIM, Nightmare, has friends or- henchmen that believe in him.

A very, very, angry murder time trio (+ Cross but who cares about him right?) surrounds me on command of Nightmare. 

They start to throw attacks at me, and I dodge, per usual, I'm the one who never causes violence but I always have to finish it.

What do they expect useless me to do?! Cry them to death?! I shouldn't even try...

I'm useless...

What if I just... let them kill me? Let them hit me? maybe that would...

What am I thinking?! Dream is hurt over there with Ink! If I let them... They'll be the next ones dead!

Why am I so FUCKING DUMB?!

My sadness quickly turns to anger, I fight the urge to do what I did last time and let my emotions take control, but I think I've already gone to far.

"Yo baby blue? When you gonna actually attack? I thought you might be fun this time." Killer sadistically asks. 

This set me off, I wanted to hurt all of them so badly. So I did.

I'll show them who they're messing with.

Killer decides to come up close for an attempt at stabbing me from behind, so I wanted to show him how I feel about surprises.

I without warning grab his arm and fling him over the top of me and slam him as hard as I can onto the ground, knocking the wind out of him.

Everything stands still for a second and I take the opportunity to go after Horror, he is a slow reactor so I had to work fast. He swung his axe at me and I dodge without difficulty, jumping over top of him to get to his blind spot I hit him over the head with a blunt bone and he falls almost immediately

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