Chapter 6: Lonely Winter

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(Again, thank you Gangstergay for the idea!)

It was a slow day for The Stars, I was quite thankful for this because of the mess I made a few nights ago.

We temporarily have moved our base to an Outertale AU, the residents of this universe were told to keep it a secret that we were here. So far I think that is working well thank stars, I don't think I could handle another fight with The Bad Guys.

I was sitting on the couch looking at my phone while Ink and Dream were laughing in the kitchen about something I didn't care about. They walk out still chucking and whispering things that made them giggle at each other. Sometimes them doing that makes me nervous, as if they were laughing at me, but today I suppose I was completely out of it. 

I did it again...

I hurt myself.

I need to stop, this is no way for someone who is responsible for monsters lives should act.

I sigh and Dream looks over at me, concerned.

"Are you okay Swap?" He asks, I've been avoiding their questions and concerns ever since Dream called me out.

"... I'll be fine." I say, knowing that saying that I was completely fine wouldn't cut it anymore.

"..." I can feel Dream's stare on the back of my neck and it's making my nerves stand on end.

I can also feel Inks glances that are going back and forth between me and Dream, I feel the need to cry building in my throat.

"W- Well, uh... Swap, we found out that there is a Sans that is going through and attacking a certain AU, he supposedly isn't very powerful and should be an easy take down, I know you've been kinda down recently and we were wondering if you'd like to go after him on your own! Because, uh... you used to get so excited over solo missions..." Ink says, and I barely hold back a sigh, I didn't want to go out and fight some guy on my own, it also kind of hurt that Ink is saying that he isn't powerful.

I mean, I guess that means we'd be a perfect match...

"I... suppose..." I say, standing up and putting my phone in my pocket. "Which AU is it...?"

"Oh, uh..." Ink says, looking at his phone seemingly to confirm. "... It's a city AU... it goes by QR921 on the AU list!"

"Alright..." I mumble and create a multiversal portal to QR921.

"Wait-!" Dream says, right before I step through. "I- If you need help, don't be afraid to ask, we might have miscalculated how strong this guy is!" 

"... Alright." I say as I step through.

I immediately felt a rush of cold air on my face, and I found I was standing in compacted snow, people were all over the streets and they walked with their heads down, just trying to get through their day.

I noticed cars were swerving around something in the street, so I supposed that would be the best first place to look.

I crossed the street with a group of people and they all walked in a fast paced 'I want to get out of here' sort of way, barely paying any mind to me.

I honestly didn't mind to much, I realized quickly that everyone here seemed to be humans, despite not seeing even one of their faces it was easy to tell.

I wouldn't have much trouble finding this Sans then would I?

Almost immediately after crossing a I see a lady getting attacked by a Sans I rush and push him off of her as quickly as I can. The woman picks up her stuff and as I go to help her she looks up at me.

The subsiding strength of a Swap SansWhere stories live. Discover now