Chapter 1

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Sophie's POV

I was falling

Down and

                    Down and

                                        Down, into nowhere...

Then there was a voice...

"You can run, but you can't hide..."

Fintan, Ruy, Gethen... It was all too much to take in!

I woke up with beads of sweat rolling down my forehead. I had another nightmare and it was the same as always. I knew it wasn't good but I didn't want to tell my boyfriend, Fitz, or my parents, or any of my friends for that matter. I didn't want to make them worried. Why do I always let everyone down? Ugh... can't I just be normal for once?! I was weak and I knew it. I could feel it. My abilities were disappearing, vanishing I don't exactly know how but they were. What could I do though? I could only hide and hope that this nightmare in real life would end soon...

I sat up on my bed and decided that sleep was definitely overrated. Even if I tried, I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep. I sat up, wincing with pain at the scar Gisela had given me. Elwin had said that the scar contained no venom and I just needed to wait patiently for it to heal but it doesn't feel better. Actually it felt worse for some reason. I just ignored that fact thinking it was my mind playing tricks with me...

*Flashback starts

"Come and join us, the Neverseen. Moonlark, you know that you have no hope left. You're so weak, you can't even defend yourself," hissed Fintan.

"No. I will never join YOU and your EVIL organization." I croaked. My legs felt like jelly. I was standing outside Havenfield. I came outside for some training when suddenly I saw them. I knew it was too late to run though or seek help. I had to stall or wait it out or fight back.

"As you wish. Just remember you asked for this." Whispered Fintan from somewhere lurking in the shadows.

Then, out of nowhere a throwing star shot out from the realm of darkness and sliced deeply into my arm. A river of blood streamed down as I screamed in agony. I saw Edaline and Grady running towards me at full speed. The last thing I heard was Gisela saying "See you next time, little Moonlark" before everything went black...

The next thing I knew, I was in the healing centre with all my friends, Grady, Edaline, Della, Alden and Elwin crowding around me.

*Flashback ends

I decided to grab my imparter and call Fitz. I knew this was a bad idea considering Fitz's anger issues but I needed someone to talk to. I considered Keefe but Fitz wouldn't like that. I rang Fitz. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!  Within a few minutes, Fitz's tired faces popped up on the screen. 

"Sophie, what the hell is it? It's so late..." He asked in a kind of annoyed tone? 

"I'm so sorry! Fitz I just needed to talk to you. I know this isn't a good time so tomorrow morning, Calla's tree. See you there..." I rushed hurriedly. 'Hopefully' I added under my breath

"Why..." started Fitz but I cut him off by disconnecting the call. Then I realised that I could have just transmitted to Fitz. What was going on with me?! I closed my eyelids and tried to think of all the good memories of Fitz and I. Sadly, there weren't as many as I thought...

Time skip to morning

I waited until the first sights of the sun were visible in the sky. Birds flew across. Birds so calm and carefree... the exact opposite of me. The sunrise was so beautiful though almost as gorgeous as those ice blue eyes, almost. Wait what the hell Sophie?! You don't love anyone but Fitz. You like Fitz. Yes I do. Right..? Teal eyes, not those irresistible ice blue eyes...

I sat down below the Panakes Tree. Sniffing in the great scent. It was so peaceful until Fitz arrived. My heart went from calm to alert in a split second. Fitz flashed me one of his movie-star smiles. I felt butterflies in my stomach but this time not because of his smile but because I was very scarred on how he would react.

"Hey Sophie, you said you wanted to talk yesterday night?" said Fitz.

I managed out a 'Yes'.

"Can we maybe... talk telepathically?" I asked.

"Why I came all this way for you and you wanted to talk TELEPATHICALLY? Oh god, whatever I'm already used to this. As long as we get this done and dusted quickly." replied Fitz.

Fitz's POV

A/N Bold is Sophie, Italic is Fitz

What did you want to talk about Sophie?

So...I have...experienced...pain...scar ...from Neverseen...

Sophie your transmissions are really lagged and weak. Is there anything serious going on or are you just tired like normal?

I could feel her panic and all her thoughts flowing around her mind. I did manage to catch one though. It was a memory of when she and Keefe first met at Foxfire... Wait what? Keefe? Does she like Keefe?!

Right when I was about to ask her about Keefe, Sophie collapsed. Her eyes were closed, the golden flecks no longer glittering underneath the blinding sunshine. She had beads of sweat lined across her forehead. She was shaking and thrashing too. I held her from her moving too much. I took out my imparter and called Elwin immediately.

When he got here, I explained to him how Sophie's transmissions were lagged and weak and how she just collapsed out of nowhere. Elwin looked worried? 

Ugh it probably doesn't even matter. Doesn't she always escape these life or death situations anyways?

A/N How is the story so far? Any suggestions?

Don't worry this is a Sokeefe story :)

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