Chapter 3

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Sophie's POV

"Sophie we don't know how to break this to you but-" started Keefe. Sophie? Not Foster? Well that's a first. Obviously this means something really serious is going on. Fitz cut him off and glared at him. Are they arguing? What are they arguing over?

"Sophie, that cut Gisela gave you," Fitz said, stopping to take a breath and then continuing, " is infected with a deadly Ogre substance called Vulmon." I saw Keefe wince at the name of his mother. Keefe really needs to stop feeling guilty and blaming himself. It's not even his fault...

"The first stage of it is your abilities vanishing away and constant nightmares which I assume you have experienced without telling anyone?" said Mr Forkle knowingly. I nodded ever so slightly. "The second step is dizziness and memory loss. The third stage is fainting and unconsciousness and the last stage is... death."

After Mr Forkle finished, I was shocked. Stunned actually. I couldn't move, breath. I was hyperventilating until a peaceful wind rushed through me, tingling my body with a calm sensation. I felt someone clutching my hand. I turned my head around and realised it was Keefe. "Thanks Keefe, I really needed that." 

"Anything for you Foster" There it is. The nickname I loved till death.

I heard someone in the crowd cough. Of course it was Grady! I missed him but I am not looking forward to the whole speech he's going to give me when we go back to Havenfield. That's when I realised everyone was staring and Keefe and I. I blushed a crimson shade of red and tried to hide behind my hair (Keyword tried) as Keefe looked away but never letting go of my now sweaty palm.

Well this is awkward I thought. I still couldn't believe I was going to die. "How long do I have left?" I asked, hoping they knew the answer.

"I assume you still have about 8-9 weeks considering you're still on the first stage but these substances can vary." Ro answered. "Don't worry, there is a cure. It's an Ogre flower called Liluth (Uhh don't ask about the name. I got it from a random name generator haha). I will go ask my father about it." Oh jeez, Ro sounded a whole lot like Alden. Guess even she got influenced.

"Everything will be okay, Sophie. Dex, Linh, Marella, Keefe, Wylie, Tam, Sandor,  Ro and I will find the cure. Right guys?" confirmed Biana. Always Biana to the rescue!

Everyone murmured a 'yeah' in agreement. Even Mr Forkle, the collective, Alden, Della, Grady and Edaline agreed.

"But I want to help too," I said, already knowing the answer to my plea. "No!" Everyone in the room yelled in unison. At least they can all agree on something.

"Then it is planned tomorrow you guys will set of to Ravagog to find King Dimitar- " "Also known as my dad." Pointed Ro. "-Yes, yes. As I was saying, tomorrow you guys will set of to Ravagog to find King Dimitar AKA Ro's dad to find out about the cure with Ro leading you guys." Planned Mr Forkle.

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