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Leon was just finished his mission at the White House. He was with President Graham at the moment.

"I'm glad this is all over." The president said, facing the window.

Leon stood there and listened.
"Wilson...I can't believe he would do such a thing."

"He'll be hand over to custody, Mr. President. You have nothing to worry about." Leon said.

The president sighed and leaned on his desk.
"Leon, this is going to be off topic...about Agent Clearfield..."

Leon had this feeling that this topic is going to go somewhere. But he kept he's cool.

"I know this is a rough topic for you and I know how you're feeling." The president said.

Leon kept his posture.

"Ever since you and Agent Clearfield are the ones who recused my daughter, I'm in debt to the both of you."

"It was our job, Mr. President." Leon said.
The President came up to Leon and patted him on the shoulder.

"I hope you'll find her. Next year will be my last time as President. If you find her, send her my regards." He said.

Leon nodded. "I will."
Leon went outside to find Claire standing out of the gate of the White House. She had a cast on her arm.

"Hey." She greeted.
"How's the arm?" Leon asked.

"Better. Had to sneak out of the hospital though. I had to break the window and climb down some bed sheets." Claire said, clearly joking.

Leon chuckled. "I thought I told you not to do anything stupid."

"Uh, hello. I was joking." Claire said.

Leon and Claire both laughed.
"When are you going to stop treating me like a kid?" Claire asked.

Leon shrugged his shoulders. "Probably never."

Claire just smiled. Seems like Chris would do the same.

"I...I heard about Belle went MIA after your mission in Spain." She said.

Again, a sensitive topic for Leon to talk about.
"Was she...you know?"

"She was fine after the mission, but I guess she had other plans." Leon said.

"I'm sorry. You're having a hard time huh?" Claire said.

"I'll live." Leon said.

"Anyways, about the chip. Do you have it?" Claire asked.

"Thought you called because you want to grab dinner." Leon replied.

"I want to make a copy of it. And give it to all of the newspapers." Claire said, as Leon pulled out the chip from his pocket.

"This thing is going to blow up. Big time." Claire said.

As Leon was thinking about it. People can not know about this. Or else people in the city would become scared. As what Jason wanted. Fear.

"I can't." Leon said, facing Claire.
"What?" Claire asked.

Leon gave her a stern look, that should've been the answer for Claire.

The Nightmare *BOOK 3*Where stories live. Discover now