Chapter 5 *SMUT*

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If you're underage, please skip this chapter and go onto the next! I warn you, it's 18+ rated*

Leon decided to find somewhere to sleep before going to China. And he also take this chance to talk to Belle.

They found a hotel near by. They checked in and it was only two rooms left.

"Belle and I will share a room, I'm sure you need some space." Leon said.

"Thank you." Helena uttered.

Helena was only two rooms down from them. Belle opened the door and she went in. Leon followed and closed the door.

Again, it was quiet between them. Belle looked at Leon and then back on the floor.

"I'm going to go get cleaned up." She said.
"After that, we talk." Leon said.
After all getting cleaned up, they both changed into something comfortable. Leon couldn't wait any longer.

"Why did you leave?" He asked.

Belle didn't answer.

"You could've just told me. I would have helped." Leon said.

"Leon, please try to understand. I did it because I felt weak. You already know it. I like to find things on my own." Belle said.

"That doesn't mean you don't need me around." Leon said.

"I do. But this is my past we're talking about." Belle said.

"This is my past too. I've been through hell more than you." Leon said.

Belle started at his blue eyes, she can see the hurt he's been through.

"You've been gone for years, I was a wreck! And 9 years later you show up like nothing happened." Leon exclaimed.

"Leon, I'm sorry. I-"
"Sorry isn't going to cut it. Don't you know how much I loved you!" He said.

Belle got up and was about to go out but Leon trapped Belle by closing the door.

"Leon, you're scaring me." She said.
"I looked everywhere for you. I never gave up. I need to understand why you left." Leon said.

"I left to enhance my powers! High Goddess Bai Qian was calling out to me. She was preparing me to come and meditate for 9 years! I really am sorry, Leon. Truly I am. I know you won't forgive me, and I understand you'll hold the grudge on me." Belle cried. She started to have tears falling on her cheeks.

She never seen Leon this angry.
"I get that you're angry but don't just yell at me like that."

"Belle, I-"

"And finding out files of my biological mother, what Simmons did to her, I just need to know more!" She cried.

She looked up and noticed how close they are. Feeling her heart beating that fast as she stared at his eyes again. They changed to anger from lust.

Leon slowly leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips. He then kissed her even more. He grabbed Belle's leg and wrapped them around his waist. Belle's back was against the door. Her hand rested on his stronger board shoulders and ran her fingers his hair. The kiss turned out to be passionate.

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