Chapter 4

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"The three of us are in the same boat now. I'd say that officially make us partners. Like it or not." Leon said.

"Fine by me. As long as you and Belle help me get to Simmons." Helena said.

Just by looking around, everything here belonged to Simmons. Even the lab that they passed by.

"So this sister of yours, can we trust her?" Helena asked Belle.

"It really depends." She replied.
~Time skipped~
They stood by the vault and Belle read a riddle that's in the vault.

"Set forth evidence of kith and kin."

"Kith and Kin? Simmons family tree?" Leon said.
"I think you're right. Probably just as rotten as he is, but what does it mean by evidence?" Helena asked.

"Hmm...." Belle pulled out a ring and looked at it closely.
"I wonder..." she inserted the ring to the vault and it started to unlock.

"You're smart for once." He said.
Belle rubbed her neck, feeling more like an idiot.

Suddenly more zombies came by. Before they can enter the vault, they have to kill the zombies. Belle swung her leg over the zombies face, and punched another zombie. Leon even watched her, it's bringing memories back.

Belle pulled her gun out and starts shooting at them. A zombie was bending down because it went hurt, she decided to jumps on its back and starts to shoot from up above and then landed on her two feet.

Still hot as ever

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Still hot as ever. Leon thought.

For about 5 minutes, everything was clear. They entered the vault and heard a waterfall.

"Looks like we're getting our feet wet." Leon said.

Then they saw something big moved underwater.
"Are you kidding me? What the hell was that?" Helena asked.

"I don't know. But we have to be careful." Belle replied.

Feeling the water, it was cold. Belle started to shiver. But she'll try to deal with it.

They arrived to another gate that needs to be opened. Leon helped Helena up to a wall, so she can go on ahead to the open the gate from the other side.

"Helena, take the high road." Leon said.
"Rodger that."

Belle and Leon was left together. It was quiet between them. Belle was then grabbed under the water by a zombie and started to choke her.

"Belle!" Leon shouted.

Belle kicked the zombie underwater and got up before Leon could get to her. She coughed out of water as she panted.

"I'm alright. Be careful, they're under the water too." She said.

Helena turned the crank and the gate is now opening.

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