Chapter 3

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~Time skipped~
They have found Deborah, who was very weak. Belle knew how Helena felt. Leon and Belle guided Helena, making sure no zombie would attack them.

Deborah groaned in pain as they go.

"Deborah! Just hold on, we're almost there...Deborah, stay with me, all right?" Helena said.

Deborah suddenly burst into flames, Leon quickly grabbed Helena while Belle held out her gun.

"No! Deborah! No!" She then went to the cocoon stage.

Helena got down in her knees and cried.
", this can't be happening."

The cocoon burst out and a hand was reaching out to Helena. She was about to touch it but a arrow was released and aimed it at her head.

Belle knew who shot the arrow. Leon turned around pointed the gun at her.


"You look like you've seen a ghost." She said. Helena pointed her gun at her as well, but Belle lowered her gun. Helena looked at her, but she couldn't hold her tears.

"Ada, what the hell is going on here?" Leon asked.
"It's complicated." Ada replied. "How's your reunion with my sister?"

"It's complicated." Belle replied back.
Then the place was about collapse.

"This isn't the time or the place."
"These walkaways won't hold. We need to get to the lower levels." Ada said.

"I'm so sorry, Deborah. It's all my fault." Deborah cried.

"Helena! Get away from her!" Leon warned her.
Deborah is about to change so Belle aimed her gun at the monster.

"Stop! Don't shoot, please!" Helena begged.

Helena was pushed away and Deborah started attack.
Everyone was split up. Belle was with Leon while Ada was with Helena.

Fighting some zombies, they both reunited with Helena and Ada. They met at wagon and Leon pressed on a lever to make it move.

As they keep on shooting, Belle feels like it's not going to end well.

"You should put her down...if you have any sympathy for her." Ada said.

When Deborah was down, Leon ran up to her and starts punching her.

"This is a can't be real!" Helena cried.

"We have to put her down." Belle said.
They are separate again, Ada was hanging from the ledge, Belle quickly held onto Ada, bringing memories again. She pulled her up and we all saw Helena with Deborah.

"This is horrible." Belle said.

The three aimed at Deborah and started to shoot.

Deborah got more weak, she stumble towards Helena and fall over. Helena grabbed her wrist, not letting her.

"Helena! You got to let her go! She's not Deborah no more. She's long gone." Belle shouted.

Helena shed a tear as she looked at her sister.
"No more tears."

Deborah growled at her.

"Not until I avenge your death."

Deborah growled once more.

Come on, Helena.

"Please...forgive me." Helena let her go as she watches her sister, Deborah fallen to her death.

"I'm going to make him pay for this."

Belle couldn't even look. It was too heart breaking. She suddenly felt something warm between her hands. She looked at her hands and it was being held by Leon.  But he wasn't making eye contact with her.

She thought he was holding grudges on her, but that doesn't matter. She needs comfort.

Thank god...she didn't disappear. Leon thought.
Helena told them what happened. Her and Deborah were held captive by Simmons. She watched her sister taken away and was force to help Simmons. That's how the president is dead.

"I didn't know what else to do. So I helped him. I helped Simmons breach the president's security." Helena said.

"That sounds like Simmons, all right." Ada said.
"I wonder why you know." Belle asked.
"It's complicated." She replied.

"But why the hell would he do all this?" Leon asked.
"Long story." Ada replied.

Ada's phone ranged and then looked at the three.
"We're up against the people who really run this a very dangerous game, and if you don't play your hand right..." Ada smirked and took out her grapple gun and left them.

Leon's phone was called as he picked up. 
"Leon! Where are you?"

"Is Simmons there?" He asked.
"Yes." Hunnigan replied.

"Hunnigan, you need to be careful. I think he's the one who did all—"

"Did I hear my name?" Simmons appeared in the screen.

"Simmons." Helena sneered.

"The president spoke highly of you, Agent Kennedy." Simmons said.

"Likewise. He told me you'd been friends for 30 years." Leon said.

"Tell me, is it true you were the only ones present at the time of his death?" He asked.

Belle looked at Leon's expression, she can tell how hurt he is.

"What are you saying?" Leon said, glaring at the screen.

"Well, you must be aware that you are both suspects in this attack?"


"Agent Harper, at the time of the attack you have abandoned your post. Leaving the president vulnerable. You must admit such behavior is suspicious." Simmons said.

"You son of a bitch! You're the one who planned all this!" Helena shouted.

"With what evidence could you base such an outrageous accusation? I am the National Security Advisor. It is my job to prevent terrorist attacks, not cause them." Simmons said.

"You liar!"


"If the two of you feel so strongly about your innocence. Then you should have no problem turning yourself in." Simmons was about to hang up, Belle took Leon's phone and looked at the screen.

"They don't have any evidence you say? But I do." She said.

Simmons looked at her, carefully.
"W-why you look—"

"You must know who I am, Simmons. Remember Lily Wong?" She asked him.

Simmons was stunned to hear that name.
"You looked surprised, Simmons. I guess we have a connection. If you want Agent Kennedy and Agent Harper turn themselves that're gonna have to go through me."

With that said, Belle hung up and tossed the phone back to Leon.

"Belle, you shouldn't—"

"Sorry, I couldn't hold it anymore." She said.
Leon sighed. "Looks like things just went from bad to worse."

The Nightmare *BOOK 3*Where stories live. Discover now