Chapter 10

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Simmons appeared in front of them in his mutation state.

"Was he injected?" Belle asked.
"Yeah." Leon replied.

Ada arrived in the helicopter, shining the light on Simmons.

"I know what you did, Ada! You disobeyed me! You took Wesker's son away!"

Simmons's body started to twitch as he groaned in pain.

"You used that bastard's make the virus stronger!" Simmons said, but he even groaned in pain as his body was reacting to the virus.

"Hope you got friends in the other side." Leon said.
"Cause no one's gonna miss you here." Belle added.

As the fight started, Simmons transformed into a T-Rex.

"He's....huge!" Helena said.

Simmons roared and Belle had to cover her ears.
"Oh boy."

Simmons was chasing after Belle and as she shoots, she dodged his attack. Simmons waged his tail, making Belle hold on to it. She carefully climbed up on it back and leaped up high. She aimed her gun and aimed for the eye. She then landed on the ground and continued to shoot.

Simmons then started to turn back to his normal form.
"No!" He shouted.

Belle didn't hesitate to jump on him and started to punch him on his face. She moved back before he turned back into T-Rex.

"Hot moves as always." Leon smirked.
"Not now, Leon." Belle said.

Then a military's car came by.
"What the hell happened here? Get in!"

Leon and Helena went into the military car while Belle grabbed her grapple gun, aimed for the helicopter and went to join Ada.

"About time! I was beginning to worry." Ada said.
"No need. Let's just finish this son of a bitch." Belle said as she sat by her and handle the other controls.

Seeing Simmons roared, Belle aimed her gun on Simmons, hoping he'll be distracted.

"He's tough. But not tough enough." Belle said.
Ada smirked and shoot Simmons. It made him knocked out.

Ada flew over Leon and Helena and smirked again.

"You going with them? Leon will get worried you know." Ada said.

Belle sighed and left him a text.
"He won't. Besides, we're going to the same area, aren't we?"
Leon's phone ranged and seeing a text from Belle, he read it and looked where they're heading.

"They're heading for the roof." Leon said.

"Let's hope the elevator still works." Helena said, she then turned to Leon, still looking up.

"She'll be okay. We'll meet her there."

"Come on, let's go." Leon said.

As they went to the elevator, Helena noticed Leon was feeling down. Belle was with them for a brief moment and now she's left, just like that.

"Any plans after this? I do hear wedding bells, you know." Helena said.

Leon turned to her and saw her smirk. Before he could say anything, the elevator exploded.
"Mom was a single mother, wasn't she? Dad left us before we were born." Belle said.

They both got off the helicopter and head in to the building.

"Dad didn't want us." Belle whispered.
Ada stopped in her tracks and turned to Belle.

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