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Just a little tease you guys hehe

A woman, with a long black hair was tying her hair into a high pony tail and looked at herself in the mirror as she took a deep breath

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A woman, with a long black hair was tying her hair into a high pony tail and looked at herself in the mirror as she took a deep breath. She was summoned once again on a mission to protect President Graham. The first time she met the president, she was nervous. But the president's face expressions was surprised.

The president thought she went MIA, which made her confused. But she just let it go and focused on the mission she's on.

"You're the third agent? Where's the fourth? There's supposed to be four of us."

"Make that five. Leon and Belle should be on their way."

"Wait, are they the ones they're talking about? The ones who saved the president's daughter?"

"Yep! Those are the ultimate couple. They're more than qualified."

"Qualified? More like lucky. The only reason they're the ultimate couple is because they were in a wrong pace at the right time."

"Leon successfully handled dozens of critical missions. In fact, he's on his way here from that terror attack in Pittsburgh. As for Belle, she went MIA and now she returned."

"Like I said—"
"In this line of work, luck doesn't solve problems. Skills do."

Leon was on his way to the White House by helicopter. He really got special treatment, by the president. He glanced at the near window and saw the White House, memories came through his mind and thought of Belle. He sighed and looked at his bracelet that she left for him. He had never took it off.

"Wow, I never had a clearance to land that fast before. You must be important." The pilot said. Leon didn't say anything but remain his composure as the plane lands.
"Shoot them in head, that'll stop them." she heard the voice. An zombie stood behind her and started to growl. She quickly turned around and dodged the zombie. She dodged rolled out of her hiding spot and shot the zombie.

"Agent Clearfield!"
"Agent Kennedy."

Leon was startled and turned to the person who called him. 

"Let's get going." She said.

Why do I have these feelings? There's a lot of talk about Agent Kennedy and I. Many stories of us. And we're lovers...these feelings...they're happy? Sadness? Relieved?

"Another zombie outbreak, be prepared." Belle said.

"SWAT's en route. They can deal with the zombies up here and getting the power back up. We'll head to the bunker." Jason said, as he opened a secret wall, and started to pass around some guns and armors.

"Are they really zombies?" The president asked.
"Yes sir." Leon replied, handing the gun to Belle, which she gladly took it.

"Sorry, I didn't get here any sooner." Leon added.

"Not at all. I'm indebted to you and Belle for getting my daughter, Ashely back. Besides, you're both here, I'm sure we all will survive this." The president said.

Belle was confused on what the president said. She caught the glance of Leon and looked back on the floor.

"I've never seen things like this happened in Raccoon City will happen here."

"We all ready? Let's get the president to the bunker. Stay sharp out there. Everybody ready? Let's get the president to the bunker." Jason said.
"Patrick, stay with the president. Leon, Belle, Shenmei, with me." Jason ordered.

He then stopped in front of the two couple and stared.

"I'm counting on those skills of yours." Jason said.

Belle rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah. You as well."

Leon looked at her as if she was being silly. Usually she would do that type of talk.

He then looked at her wrist, she was also wearing the bracelet.

He was more than surprised...and has questions to be answered.

"Hey Patrick. You good?" Belle asked.
"Yeah. I'm...just a little freak out. I've never seen zombies before." He replied.

"Yeah, I was like that too. Feels like we're in a zombie apocalypse movie, isn't it?" Belle said.

A/N: I hope this is a good teaser for you guys 🤞🏻 I'll be working this next series whenever I can, thank you for waiting patiently 🥰

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