Chapter 2

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After solving the puzzle for a while, the door finally opened.

"Finally." It showed another way in.
"A short cut, huh?" Belle walked in and and followed the pathway.

"Leon! Helena! Are you okay?" Hunnigan asked. Which Belle heard.

"Yeah. For whatever reason, we're still alive." Leon said.

"We're cutting through the cemetery to the reach the cathedral." Helena said.

Something must have happen. Belle thought.

She continued to her own path and there was a ladder going up and then a door. Belle opened the door, revealing an office.

What's an office doing here? She thought. Belle saw some files that has new name and Ada.

Subject #26 Lily Wong, failed.

"Mom's a experiment?" Belle looked at her biological mother's picture. Ada and her look just like her.

Then she looked at her father, he left them when they were just born. He passed away afterwards.

And there was a scientist next to her, William Burkin, then she was passed down to, Derek C. Simmons.

"Oh god. What did he do to you, Mom." Belle cried.
Belle arrived at the cathedral but the door is locked.

"Hello? Is anybody in there?!"
"Go away!"

Belle arched her brow and looked around. She sees an opened window.

"Guess they want the hard way." She said. She grabbed her grapple gun and flew to the window and got in.

She then jumped down and instead of a greeting, a gun was pointing at her.

"How did you get in here?"

"The window. I'm sure zombies don't climb that high." Belle said.

Guns were still pointing at her. "Look, I'm not infected. I just here meeting someone."

They seemed to calm down for a bit.
"You're not an recuse worker?"

"No, I'm sorry." Then another knock was heard.

"Hello? I know someone's in there! Open up!"

Leon and Helena is already here.
"Are you crazy?! Those things will kill us!"

Belle rolled her eyes at the man. So selfish.
"Look. It's just us! Hurry up and let us in." Leon said.

Belle took out her grapple gun again and went up to the window she came from. From there, she took out her gun and began to shoot.

One was about to attack Leon, Belle shoot the zombie behind him. The church bell suddenly rang, making more zombies coming in.

Belle shoots even more. A man came by Belle and helped her out.

"At least someone is brave enough to help." She mumbled.
Leon and Helena rushed inside. A zombie nearly made it in, but Leon closed the door quickly, making it shut.

"Are you?"

"Sorry, guys. We're not rescue workers." Leon said.

The people went disappointed and walked away, waiting to be rescued.

"There's a secret door by the altar that leads underground, but we need to find a way to open it." Helena said.

"You wanna tell me what's down there?" Leon asked, getting impatient.

"It's better if I show you." Helena replied. Belle decided to jump down, it made Leon and Helena pulled out their guns.

Belle held out her hands and made contact with Leon.

"Bad time?" Belle asked. Leon lowered Helena's gun, and continued to stare at Belle.

"Agent Harper? How do you there's an entrance to that statue? Care to explain?" Belle asked.

"Like I said, it's better to show you both. You must be Agent Clearfield." Helena said.


Leon suddenly walked up to her, afraid to touch her like in his dream. Their bracelets got attached together, making Leon realize she's real.

"I see you're still wearing the bracelet." Belle said. Leon didn't say anything, but just stared at her.

"Let's get going then."
After figuring out the puzzle to open the door. Heavy footsteps was heard, revealing a ugly monster. Belle and Helena pulled out their guns and starts shooting. But then they notice gas coming out of its body.

"It's gas! Everyone! Get away from it!" Belle shouted.

Belle ran far as she shoots. People are so close to the monster and they turned into zombies.

Leon was throwing bombs while Belle and Helena were shooting. It finally went down, but sadly most of the people died.
Leon opened the door, revealing a dungeon like hallway.

"Wish I believed God we're looking out for us right now, but I think we're on our own." Leon said.

"No good. It's not gonna budge." Helena said.
Belle walked up to a machine and looked at it.

"I think we have to figure out what number will open for that gate." She said. Leon came by her and looked as well.

"Great idea, Clearfield." Leon said.

He's holding a grudge on me. Belle thought.

"Leon, I'm sorry." She said.
Leon didn't say anything again. He figure out the gate number and it opened.

Belle sighed and followed Helena but Leon suddenly spoke.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it. I need an explanation." He said.

"Maybe later, Leon. Please be patient."
The three made to a room where they saw chair in the center of the room. It looks like Helena knows her way around here.

"Wait...I remember this place. Deborah must be close." She said.

"Who?" Leon asked.

Deborah must be her sister. Belle thought.

They arrived to some room with beds, that already had some zombies.

"Damn it!" Helena started to panic.
"I'm getting kind of tired of you stringing me along. Are you going to fill me in?" Leon asked her.

"I will. It's just...we're running out of time. Please Leon, bear with me a little longer." Helena pleaded.

Belle just continued to follow Helena and watches her being frantic. Hoping to find the person she's looking for.
The next door they went, it was an old lab room. Belle walked forward and saw a little television and a cassette. Saying, Happy Birthday, Ada Wong.

She played the cassette, seeing a cocoon at first and it cracked. It showed Ada coming out of it, with nothing on,  and the end of the showed someone wearing a lab coat, with a needle in his hands.

That's not Ada. Belle thought.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" Leon asked Helena.

"No, I thought..."

Seeing what's behind them, is more cocoons. Who knows if they burst out and attack you.

"So that women, or whatever. You know her?" Helena asked.
"Kind of." Leon replied.

"She happens to be my sister." Belle blurt it out.
"Oh god." Helena said.

"Let's just get this over with." Belle said.

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