Chapter 1

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9 years later
The crystal has cracked and Belle took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She uncrossed her legs and stretched. She's feels normal but kind of curious about her powers. After sleeping for 9 years, she had completed of meditating for her powers to grow stronger.

You're ready, Belle.
Hearing High Goddess Bai Qian, she felt determined. She quickly left the waterfall and went back to her apartment, without being seen.
Her apartment has been the same and nothing has been touched.

She noticed her outfit has changed as well, during her process.

"Pretty, but it doesn't match the situation right now

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"Pretty, but it doesn't match the situation right now." She said.

She got dressed up and noticed her bracelet

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She got dressed up and noticed her bracelet. Wondered if Leon was still wearing it. She then looked outside of her apartment and noticed there's chaos. She heard people screaming and yelling.

She took out her ear piece and insert it in her ear and called Hunnigan.

The call was picked up quick.
"Oh god, Belle? Is it really you?"

"Yeah. Sorry I'm late but can you give the intel on what's going on at the moment." Belle said. Hunnigan was thrilled and she was about to explain on what's happening.

"Hold on a minute. I have to call Leon..." Hunnigan said.

Belle hesitated. Will Leon be surprised that she returned. 

"Hunnigan, don't say anything to him. That's my job. But when you call, I want to hear the conversation." Belle said.


Hunnigan began to call Leon on the other line.

A women's voice was heard. Belle thought she was dreaming. But now is not the time.

"Hunnigan?" Leon voice was deep, Belle's heart felt warm.

"Thank god you're both all right." Hunnigan said.
"How do you two know each other?" Leon asked.
"That's Helena Harper. She's been with the Secret Service since last year. I can't tell you how good it is to hear you two are all right. Look, I hate to rush the introductions but I need a report in your situation."

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