S5 E9 We Have Not Long to Live

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Yesterday Hope took the hollow out of her family and put it in herself so that her family could be together again

So right now me, Hope, Klaus and Freya are sitting at the table about to eat breakfast

The curse that plagued our family for 7 years has taken its toll on all of us. On our city. On our home. On our family. The consequences of us being together were grave, but today, thanks to you, we celebrate a new beginning. One in which we have the freedom to stand side by side. And whatever trials may come, we will face them together, as a family. Always and forever. Klaus said and lifted his glass of orange juice up and so did we

Would you please pass the beignets? Hope asked her aunt

Of course. Freya said and passed them

I am sitting next to Hope and I'm wearing my necklace and ring

So, Rebekah will be back in a few days. She's just tying up some loose ends overseas. Klaus said

It'll be nice to have her here. Hope said

It'll be good to have all of us under one roof again. And everyone will be able to meet Peter. Freya said

Right, Peter, my daughter's best friend and the one Hayley thought of as a son. Klaus said

I hear that you are a full hybrid, you have werewolf blood and vampire blood in you nice to meet someone who was born like me. Klaus said and I nodded

Then we all heard footsteps and looked in the door way and saw Elijah

Good morning. Elijah said

Obviously, there is a lot for us to discuss. Hope, let me begin. By telling you how truly sorry...

I saw Hope bending a fork with her powers

I grabbed her hand and rubbed it

Thanks for breakfast, guys, but we have homework to catch up on. Hope said and me and her got up and left


Me and Hope are in the art studio I am watching her paint she is wearing one of my button up white shirts because it is big on her and she needed to cover up her clothes

I know you're there. Hope said to Klaus who has been watching us for a few minutes

I didn't want to disturb you. Klaus said

Dad, if you're worried, I'd wish you just say something. Helicopter parenting isn't really your thing. Hope said

You bent a fork and half. Klaus said

Better than sticking it in the side of Elijah's neck. Hope said

He wasn't himself, hope. Klaus said

I don't care. Okay? I'm not ready to forgive him, memory or not. Hope said

So, it's just elijah, then? Nothing more? Klaus said

Hope then put her paint brush down

All right. I'll keep saying this until you believe me I'm okay. I promise. Look, I know that you think I made a mistake doing that spell, but I swear I thought it all out. Id do it again, because for once we're in the same room, in the world's not ending. Hope said

You know, every day I Marcel at your strength and your grace, all of which certainly came from your mother. Klaus said

I wish she were here. Hope said

Yeah, so do I. More than you know. Come here. Klaus said and they hugged

Then Klaus left

I walked over to Hope who was now looking at her painting

Hopey, what's wrong. I asked her and put my hand on her cheek

I hear the voices, they are so loud. Hope said and I leaned my head against hers

It's okay. I said

We will fix this. I said and kissed her forehead


I'm walking into Hope's room and I hear sizzling and I looked at hope's wrist and saw a bracelet that was burning her wrist

I vamped over to her and ripped the bracelet off her wrist and threw It on the floor and it caught on fire and I looked at Hope she was holding her head in pain

Hope. I said and she sat down next to her bed and I got down next to her

Stop. Please stop. Hope said as she held her head

Hope. I said and then I passed out


I woke up to Klaus standing over me

Good you're awake, I just caught Hope hurting Elijah at Rousseau's talk to her she likes you. He said and left

I got up and went to Hopes room and saw her on the bed

Hey. I said

Hey, sorry for knocking you out. Hope said

It's fine. I said and went to sit next to her

You okay? I asked and I moved her hair behind her ear

Yeah, since I hurt Elijah the whispering stopped. Hope said

Good. I said

Can you lay in here with me tonight? Just to keep me company. She said

Yeah, just let me go change. I said

After I went to change me and her layed down on her bed and we both fell asleep fast

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