S1 E9 What Was Hope Doing in Your Dreams?

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I am walking back into the school it is 2 AM

When I got into the school I went to Dr. Saltzman's office and when I walked in I saw Hope and him talking

Sorry, I didn't know you two were talking. I said

It's fine, what did you need? He asked

Just wanted to tell you that I am coming back for a little bit then I'm leaving again. I said

Okay, I will talk to you in the morning, just go get some sleep. Dr. Saltzman said

Okay. I said and walked out and I went to my room to go to sleep


I woke up and felt someone laying against me I looked down and It was Hope

Hope. I said and she looked at me

Hey, you're awake. She said and sat up then kissed me

What are you doing here? I asked

I'm your girlfriend. She said

Or I was. She added then the lights went out and then turned back on and I was standing up

I had blood all over me and I saw bodies around me

I started running then I tried over a body

I looked at the body then I saw Hayley she had blood all over her face and neck

Hayley. I said and touched her face and her eyes popped open and she grabbed my hand

You did this, you slaughtered us all. She said

No, no I didn't. I said

I got up and looked around

I saw Caroline, the twins and Hope then I saw Landon

They were all dead with blood all over them

You did this. I heard whispering saying that over and over in my head

I dropped on my knees and held my head

No I didn't. I said then opened my eyes and saw a huge black thing Infront of me

I can take it all back, you won't hurt anyone, if you just do one thing for me. The thing said putting it's hands on my arms

Like what? I asked when I felt it's long claws on my skin

Bring me the urn, bring me the second key. It said

I don't know where it is, or what you're talking about. I said

Bring me it! It yelled

No! I yelled and then felt pain in my arms

I screamed then passed out

Dream over

I woke up in my bed and got up

I felt something rolling down my arms

I looked at both of my arms and they both had blood all over them

I went over to my fridge and got a blood bag out and started drinking it

Then I went to see what time it was and it was 5 PM

What the hell. I said then I vamped out the room with my blood bag and went to Dr. Saltzman's office

When I vamped inside the office I shut the door behind me and I saw Landon, Hope, and Dr. Saltzman

Please, someone tell me what the hell is going on. I said and they all looked at me

Oh my god, what happened. Hope asked and walked over to me

Something in a black veil, attacked me in my nightmare, and I will be forever hunted. I said

Let me patch you up, sit down. She said

I'll be fine, just go finish helping your boyfriend. I said

We're not going to talk about this again. Hope said

You're my best friend, so let me help you. She said

Fine. I said

After this, can I go for a run, Dr. Saltzman? I asked

Sure, just try not to eat anyone. He said

Okay. I said and leaned my head back and looked at the ceiling

What did you dream about peter? Hope asked

Myself, I killed everyone I loved, and that guy I don't like him. I said pointing at Landon

You're not a killer, you won't hurt anyone. Hope said

Okay, that's what you think. I said

What? She asked

The night Jed beat up Landon, I was there, I watched, and I did nothing, I broke his ribs. I said

Why? She asked

Because I saw how close you two were getting and I didn't want to lose you but I lost you anyway, that's how much of a monster I am. I said and got up leaving the room


I'm in the woods laying on the ground in my wolf form

Then I heard footsteps coming up behind me and I quickly got up and growled

Relax, it's just me. Hope said and I saw that she had some clothes in her hand

I knew you'd be here, brought you some clothes and I wanted to talk. She said

I growled softly and she sat down

Can you go change back, please. She said

I took the clothes out of her hands and I went behind a tree

I turned back and put on the sweatpants the shirt and the sweater

I went back over to Hope and I sat on the ground

What did you want to talk about? I asked

Why did you hurt Landon? She asked

I was jealous, I saw that you two were getting closer every minute so I thought that if maybe he got hurt he would get sent away from the school. I said

But he's back, and now you two are dating. I said

You didn't have to be jealous, you could've talked to me. She said

Really, because you didn't even wait two weeks before you and him started dating. I said calmly and I looked at her

Peter, I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to happen. She said

You got over me it's fine, but I'm not gonna go back to being happy and being your best friend, if anything I'd rather just be nobody to you, because seeing you with him, just makes me mad. I said

Pete- I cut Hope off

Stop, just stop, the more you talk, the more i get hungry. I said and got up

Just give me space for a few days, I'm gonna just be in my room all day you can deal with the monster. I said

Okay. She said and I saw that a tear ran down her face

I vamped away to my room and I stayed there the whole day

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