S3 E8 Long Time, No See

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I woke up in my room and the door opened

Hey. Hope said

Hey. I said

We have a team meeting. She said

Okay. I said


Okay, now that we have proof Landon's alive, and we have the ascendant at our disposal, or going after him. Hope said as Me, Lizzie, Wade, Jed, and Alaric looked at the map of mystic falls

Sorry I'm late. Would have helped if someone told me there was going to be a super squad meeting. MG said as he walked over

Luckily for us, there's a planetary Transit tonight, which we can use to power the ascendants. Hope said

Hold on, you guys are going to the prison world? Dr. Saltzman, that's way too risky. We need more time. MG said

Well, if you hadn't been lying to us this whole time, we might have had more time to prepare. Hope said

We still have more time to prepare your just impatient. I said and Hope looked at me

I agree with MG, it's too risky. I said

You just don't want me to bring Landon back, because you think I'll leave you for him. Hope said and my eyes glowed

Everyone, relax. MG, and Peter are right. It's not ideal. When's the next celestial event? Alaric asked

Not for another month. You think I'm waiting that long, think again. Hope said

Like I said impatient. I said

Can you shut the hell up. Hope said

Where do you think Landon is, exactly? Jed asked

We don't know. Once we are physically in the prison world, then we can do a locator spell. Lizzie said

In a world with hungry monsters trying to tear us limb from limb, I probably look like a hot dog to them. Wade said

More like a Twinkie. I said with my arms crossed

I agree with all of you, for a change. Except the Twinkie thing. Which is why this incredibly dangerous mission has to be conducted on a purely voluntary basis. Mg, Peter, I think we know where you two stand. Alaric said

Enough talk. Who's with me? Hope asked

You know me and Peter aren't. So please, at least let me try to explain why. Forget that you're pissed. And I apologize for breaking your trust. But you also know me much and you know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you or anyone at this school, even jed. MG said

So why do you think you think I've been lying this whole time? Lizzie and I astral projected into this world I've seen it's horrors with my own eyes. If we open a door to it, we could be marching right into one of Malivore's traps. Or worse, giving him exactly what he wants. A way into our world. MG said

What Malivore wants is Landon. Always has, always will. Hope said

How do you think this mess started, it was Landon's fault, If Malivore wants Landon and Landon is in the prison world with him, leave him, it keeps everyone safer. I said

Says the one that fed on a student last year. Hope said

I was dying! I said

And Landon could die, he is human now, you're a vampire. Hope said

Hope, I swear if you keep talking I will rip your head off your body. I said as my eyes glowed

Stop it, both of you! Didn't you two just get back together? Alaric asked

Dad, they have been having problems I thought I told you that. Lizzie said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Hope

Whatever, do this stupid mission by yourself Hope, I hope you get what you want. I said and I sped out the room


I am in my room drawing in my notebook while listening to music

Then the door opened and Lizzie walked in

What is it? I asked as I took my headphones off

Can you go to the high school and check on Jo to make sure Hope doesn't go see her. Lizzie asked

Yeah. I said and I sped out the room

When I got to the highschool I was in the hallway and I saw Josie at her locker with a girl

I walked over

Jo. I said

Peter. She said

Who are you? The girl asked

I ignored the girl

Has Hope come to see you? I asked

No, why? She asked

Nothing you need to worry about, how have you been, I have been busy. I said

I'm good, shouldn't you be at school? She asked

I came to see my little sister. I said and she smiled and hugged me

I have to go, but I'll see you later. I said and I kissed her head and walked away


I am in my room

Hope, Josie, and Lizzie almost died because Hope wanted to get Landon back

So now I am in my room packing

Then Hope walked in

Hey. She said

What do you want Hope, I thought you would be with Landon since you almost killed my sisters to get him back. I said

Peter, I'm sorry, I didn't know about the black magic. She said

That's not the point, you almost killed the only other blood family I have left, they are all I have left, and they could have died. I said

Josie, is staying with a family friend in mystic falls now. I said

Peter. She said

Being a tribrid is new to me Hope, if I knew about the black magic, I would have taken Josie and Lizzie's place, because they are my family. I said

I know. She said

I'm not breaking up with you, but the last couple of weeks have been rough because all you care about is Landon, I'm going to New Orleans, for a little while, Freya said I could visit whenever I wanted to do she could teach me magic, so that's what I'm going to do. I said

I get that, when will you come back? Hope asked

Soon. I said

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