S4 E2 You're A Long Way From Home

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Me and Hope went to find Clarke and right now we are outside his house

Then we got out the car

We walked to the front door

Then she knocked on the door

After a second the door opened and we saw Clark

Hi, Clarke-y. Hope said

Hope, Peter? He said

This is a weird time. He said

Yeah. You have no idea. Invite us in? Hope asked then a lady walked up behind Clarke

And who are these... Lovely creatures? The girl asked with a fake smile

Uh, an old friend and her Boyfriend. Clarke said

They were just leaving. Clarke said

I used to date his brother. Hope said

Don't remind me. I mumbled and Hope grabbed my hand

Oh. My goodness. Well, I haven't met any of Ryan's friends yet. The lady said

Mm. Hope hummed

I'm his serious girlfriend Trudy. Come in. Trudy said

Thank you. Ryan and I have a lot to catch up on. Hope said and walked inside dragging me in with her


We are in the living room Trudy is in the kitchen

You know, when I said to go get a life, I didn't mean with the first Stepford Wife starter kit that you meet. Hope said picking up a picture

When did you two even take this? Hope asked while holding up the picture

Our first date. Trudy said we shouldn't waste any time if we both knew what we wanted. Clarke said

And this is what you wanted? Okay. Hope said making a face then set the picture down

Babe, cut him some slack this is his first ever girlfriend, have you and her already had sex because you guys are going very fast. I said

You two have to get out of here. Okay? Trudy doesn't know anything about... m...my past. Clarke said

But your past is why we are here. Hope said

We are looking for the bloodlines of the witch, werewolf and vampire that created Malivore. I said

Who's dead, by the way. I said

So's Landon. Congrats-- you're an orphan and an only child. Hope said then Trudy walked back in

Is, nondairy creamer okay? Ryan's tummy's so... fragile. Trudy said and Clarke chuckled

Uh, sweetie, some sugar? Clarke asked while taking the tray from her

Coming right up. Trudy said and walked away

Well, she's, um... domestic. Hope said

And you're obviously the Tribrid now. I'm sure something big and scary is going on, but I don't want anything to do with triad. I'm not that guy anymore Clarke said

You're going to help us, or Peter kills the skirt. Hope said

Your humanity is off. Clarke said

Both of our humanities are off. Hope said

Then Clarke looked at Trudy who just walked in

You know, Trudy... that's a lovely necklace you're wearing. Do you mind if I take a... a closer look? I asked

Of course. Ryan gave it to me. Trudy said

Mm, it's even more enticing up close. I said then looked at Clarke and Hope and I let my fangs out and my eyes glowed red

I'll show you two where I got it. Clarke said and I put my fangs and eyes away


Im sitting in the car as Clarke and Hope talked outside of the car and he showed her where the place we were looking for was

Then after a minute Hope got in and I started driving

We need to make a stop. Hope said

Fine. I said

We stopped at the same house we found Clarke and Hope went inside then a minute later she came back out with a smile on her face

What did you just do? I asked

It's a surprise. She said and then she leaned over and kissed me

When we are done, I need to compel us a hotel room. I said and I kissed her more

Can't wait. She said and sat back in her seat and I took off driving


I am driving Hope is in the passenger seat and Clarke is in the back that doesn't really have space but he can fit

One of Hope's hands is playing with my hair

This is Trudy. Leave me a message. Clarke's phone said

Trudy, please call me back. I can explain everything. Clarke said

Ryan, baby, come back to bed. Hope said

If you won't I definitely will. I said and I put my hand on Hope's leg

Why can't... Can you please stop making everything worse? I need to fix this. Clarke said

Trust me, it's better this way. You don't want to be Ryan. You want to know why? Because Ryan's dating Trudy, who, if we're being honest, is giving off a certain vibe of, I don't know, shall we say upper 30s desperation. Before you know it, Ryan is gonna be middle-aged with kids who can't stand him, and a mortgage he can't afford and a wife who wants to know where he is every second of the day, and a job as an assistant regional manager at a place that he can never leave, because her dad owns the company. Hope said

So I basically did you a favor. Hope said then Trudy finally answered him

Trudy, please don't hang up. I can explain. He said and I reached back there and grabbed his phone and I squeezed the phone with my hand and then I tossed it back at him

Then I stopped the car in the middle of the empty road

Shut up, before I turn this car around and go kill your annoying ass ex girlfriend and then I will kill you next. I said

It's okay, baby. Hope said rubbing my arm and I sped off from where I stopped

I kept speeding because I was trying to get to the triad facility

Hope kept playing with my hair and I kept going fast

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